Chapter 5: Luxen

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Kairi had never been inside an indoor stadium before. From her first encounter she could tell they were a lot louder in person. Already, she felt the vibrations of the crowd in her chest as her heart began to race. Four of the seven Sectors had already been called to the pitch. They were next.

They had all arrived in Luxen Stadium together in groups separated by their Sector. Every challenger wore the same uniform with the only difference being their printed League number. Upon arrival they were all crammed into a gigantic room that led to the stadium's pitch. All they were instructed was the walk to the pitch after their Sector had been called. A bunch of different colored tape marks would signal where to stand.

"Next up! Please welcome the challengers from Sector Xevl!" an announcer's voice called in a surprisingly high pitched voice.

The nine challengers walked together as they entered through the pitch's entrance tunnel. Because Luxen Stadium was indoors the noise was much greater. Thousands of the capital's natives cheered them on. Kairi couldn't feel her legs as they approached the green marker that signaled where their place was. The roar was insane. Stopping alongside the other challengers, Kairi noticed a large stage in front of them with a single podium. Several Mark-Three sHARPs stood upon it. Above them all were a system of complex wirings, each holding cameras that moved throughout the stadium's roof. The entire region was watching them.

Soon, the remaining Sectors's challengers joined them on the pitch. All one hundred challengers stood there in awe as the crowd showered them with support.

The same announcer's voice rang all over the stadium. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, please rise for our dearest, Lady Hera!"

A deafening cheer erupted as Arim's leader appeared from the entrance tunnel and made her way onstage to the nation's anthem. Unlike her usual attire, Lady Hera wore red. However, her hair still shined its bright silver.

Likewise, she also had a silver necklace that had a large black crystal, perhaps made of obsidian, hanging from it.

The Lady was gorgeous.

Surrounding her were all of the eight Arim Senators, all dressed in their signature gray robes. They stood in the back of the stage behind her in a straight line formation.

"Challengers of Arim. You all look so beautiful today. Welcome to Luxen!" Lady Hera began to numerous applause. " We are gathered here today not only to congratulate you all on being chosen for Arim's first Pokémon League, but also to grant each challenger with their official Pokémon League Band, which will be vital in their journey to the championship title. In addition, I know all of you have many questions about this league, and now is the time to provide answers."

Kairi looked around at the other challengers. Everyone including her wanted to know what Pokémon they would receive and when.

"First things first, the Arim League Challenge." The Lady spoke. "Challengers! In order to become champion, you must overcome a series of obstacles involving you and your granted partner Pokémon. These obstacles shall come in the form of the eight figures standing behind me."

The challengers watched as the eight senators walked forward, with four on either side of Lady Hera. From their appearances alone, they were all distinct from each other, yet united by their formal attire and Association sigils.

"Challengers. The eight senators of Arim will be your opponents in a series of Senator Trials. Let's formally introduce them all to you." The Lady announced. "On my right, the first half: Senator Mckay, Senator Damian, Senator Rainer, and Senator Galvan. To my left, the second half: Senator Marigol, Senator Shida, Senator Wick, and finally, Senator Reah.

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