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"So did you or did you not make out with Zack last night?!" Lisa asks all excited

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"So did you or did you not make out with Zack last night?!" Lisa asks all excited.

"I wouldn't say made out but close" I laugh.

"That's so romantic" Kelly clasped her hands.

"Ya, just don't let him take advantage of you!" Jessie says.

We all look at her.

The bell rings and we all go to our first period classes.

"Good morning!" I say to Slater and Zack.

"Morning gorgeous" they both responded at the same time saying the same thing.

They both give each other a mean and annoyed look and then see the seat I've taken has an empty one next to it.

They both run to it in order to try and get it, Slater ends up winning and a not so happy Zack sits a few seats away.

"So we still on for tonight?" Slater whispered to me.

"Ya but just for studying... no nonsense" I say.

He nods and class begins.


Classes went on like they always do here at bayside for the rest of the day.

After last period I headed out of the school to meet Slater out by the football fields.

I was quickly stopped by Zack though.

"Wanna get a soda at the max?" He asks.

"I'm busy, maybe tomorrow?" I say.

"Busy with what?" He asks.

"I'm studying! Ya I'm studying! I'll see you later" I say turning.

He grabs my hand.

"We studied last night" he says.

"Ya we did, I'll see you later Zack!" I say.

He grabs me for a second time giving me a 'tell the truth' look.

"I'm helping Slater study for the history midterm." I say sighing.

"At your place?!" Zack asks.

"Well ya that's we were planning on studying but if it's that big of a deal-" I get cut off by Zack.

"Can you study at the library instead? A more public place?" He asks rubbing my arm.

"Yeah" I say smiling.

He was jealous and I wasn't even his official girlfriend.

I'd say that's a win for me.

I kissed Zacks cheek and went out to the football fields to meet Slater.

"Hey!" I smiled waving at him and walking over.

"Hey hey mama" Slater says.

"Is it okay if we study at the library instead of my house?" I ask.

"Sure I don't see why not!" Slater says and we make our way to the town library.

We set up all of our books and we studied.

"I don't get how you understand all this, history is so hard." Slater sighs.

"I think of it as a story being told and it helps me remember important things" I say.

Then there was a big clash of books.

I looked to where the sound came from and saw a tall figure smack a smaller figure on the head.

I knew that blonde hair anywhere.

I got up and walked over to the spilled books and two boys.

I pulled Zacks stupid "disguise" sunglasses off.

"Hey! What a coincidence to see you here! Me and Screech here were just looking for a book!" Zack says wrapping his arm around Screech.

"Hmmm" I crossed my arms "in the teen girl romance section" I say holding up a book.

"Ya, you know, romance books are great" Zack says fake smiling.

"And we were stalking you and Slater!" Screech adds.

Zack smacks him once again.

I then feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Slater.

"Zack and Screech here were watching us study" I say.

"Smooth preppy" Slater says.

"Look I'm sorry. I just didn't want anything to happen between you two and then I loose you" Zack says looking at me.

"Zack you'll never loose me" I say kissing his cheek lightly.

He half smiles.

"How about we all just go get some burgers at the max and forget all about this?" Slater suggests.

"Ya, I would like that" I smile walking back to our table and cleaning up all my things.

Then we all head to the max together.

𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙕𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now