25. The Threat

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Yeona told me what happened between them the night Hyunjin showed up. I thought Hyunjin left her before I told him off, but then I realized he really left her because of what I said to him. A part of me feels guilty, sad, and... happy. I reasoned that it would be fine because she would never feel that pain again when it was just the two of us.

It's already Monday, and Yeona has informed me that she will be late, so I should not go to her house to pick her up. So I went to school by myself at 6 a.m. There were only a few students in class. I was walking down the corridor when I noticed Hyunjin approaching. We locked gazes for a few seconds before he averted his gaze. His expression appears to be a mix of rage and sadness, which irritated me.

I rushed up to him and pushed him against the wall. He looked at me as if he wanted to fight.

"Yeah, Hwang Hyunjin, do you remember what you said to me last Saturday?" I asked, putting both hands in my pockets.

"No, I don't," he stated emphatically. He groaned in pain as he touched his stomach after I punched him in the gut. I pinned him to the wall with his right shoulder.

"Do you remember now?" I asked, looking him in the eyes. " I told you to stay away from us, but you said what? You don't care anymore?" I smirked, and he just stared at me.

"You think you can make her happy just because you're brave now?" I pressed my index finger repeatedly against his brow.

"I may have nothing, but I love her; I know Yeona was happy with me even though I had nothing; she loves me for who I am, so I'm going to take her back from you," he declared.

"Do you have temporary amnesia? Yeona clearly stated that she doesn't want you anymore, that she wants to forget you, so you might as well do the same if you truly love her."

"I know she didn't mean it, but- "

"Stop making assumptions about the situation! That's your world, but in reality, Yeona wants to forget you and there's nothing you can do. She hates you, so get lost," I advised. We were having a staring contest until our names were called.

"Chan? Hyunjin?" We both looked at the person.

"Seungmin?" I asked, turning away from Hyunjin.

"What are you guys doing?" Seungmin questioned as he approached us slowly.

"Uhh, we're just talking, right?" I replied, looking at Hyunjin as he strokes his stomach. He gave me a look before walking away.

"You guys still not okay? " Seungmin asked as he approaches me.

"Uhh yeah, I guess he's still upset with me," I said as I wrapped my arm around Seungmin's shoulder and led him back to our room.


"Uhh, Yeona, this isn't your classroom," a girl interrupted, and I snapped.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, apologizing.

"I suppose you're back now, huh?" she asked.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" I investigated.

"You know, you always enter the wrong room because you're sleepy," she replied, and I remembered. I guess I've reverted to my former self.

I walked out of their room and into my classroom slowly. As soon as Yuji saw me, she grabbed my left arm, and my gaze was drawn to Hyunjin's seat. He wasn't present, but his bag was.

"Why are you late?" Yuji asked, and I remained silent. I simply sat in my chair and shifted into my sleeping position.

"Yuji, I went to the wrong room," I mumbled sleepily, my eyes closed.

"You what? Again?" she asked. "I thought you changed, but I guess you're back." Then Hyunjin walked into our room. For a few seconds, our gazes locked.

I sat up straight and pretended to fix my things. I recall what happened on Saturday. I actually felt a little guilty, but I told myself that it was the right thing to do. I'll just have to put up with it. I was doing well in moving on from him, but then he did something that set me back to square one. I ran my hand through my hair as the teacher entered the room, and the class proceeded as usual.

Yuji and I were walking to the cafeteria when we ran into Chan and Seungmin. We got our food and then found a table. As usual, we ate, talked, and laughed. We finished our meal in under 20 minutes.

"Where should we go? We still have over 30 minutes," Yuji asked.

"How about the garden? It's been a while since we've been there," I suggested, and Yuji was surprised to recall that our school has a garden.

"Chan, Seungmin, you should come," I said.

"Seungmin can go, but I can't this time," said Chan.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" I investigated.

"No, I just have some things I need to do," he replied.

"What, you've been a busy body since when?" I teased.

"I guess you forgot I'm the class president and on the student council," he explained, and we all laughed.

We went to the garden as a group of three. We inhaled the fresh air as soon as we arrived, and it felt great. It made me feel better. In comparison to our previous visit, the garden appears to be in excellent condition. The leaves were bright green, and there were flowers everywhere.

We sat on the bench with our eyes closed after wandering around, feeling the nature around us. I'm missing Jeju.

"Oh guys, I need to use the restroom," Yuji said as she dashed away.

"Oh, you want me to accompany you?" I exclaimed.

"No, I'll be right back," she replied.

So it was just me and Seungmin. It was awkward because I'd never had a personal bond with Seungmin. I just closed my eyes again to make things less awkward.

"Uhh, Yeona," Seungmin said, and I hummed back.

"Are you and Chan already a couple?" he asked, and I looked at him in disbelief.

"What? No, I mean he's courting me right now, why? You've never shown any interest in us anyway," I told him.

"Nothing, I just thought you already rejected him, so I thought it was over between you two," he said as he stared at the ground, and I smiled at the thought that I had already rejected him twice and now, looking at us, he's courting me.

"How about Hyunjin? I thought you liked him," he asked.

"Ahh.. yeahh, but things happened soo.. yeah," I said, fiddling with my fingers.

"Wait, why are you even asking about these things? This is kind of strange." I teased and laughed, but he didn't laugh. He appeared solemn. This is strange. He's always joking around, but now he's looking very serious. I just stared at him and pretended not to laugh.

"Actually, this morning... I saw Chan and Hyunjin. Together," he said, staring at the ground, and I just stared at him, stunned.

"What?" I asked, but he didn't respond for a few seconds.

"I believe Chan is threatening Hyunjin," he said as he looked into my eyes, and I couldn't believe what he had just said.

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