35. Sin out of love

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Author's note: I recommend listening to Yanghwa Bridge by Zion.T while reading this.


The incident had occurred three days before. I asked anyone who knew Woojin was at school if they saw him, but they all said he just vanished. He must have left after that. Changbin and I were still by each other's sides after that day because no one else knew about it. We still ate on the roof, and he didn't say much. The only difference was that he didn't appear as cold as he usually did. He appeared to be more... Fearful and vulnerable He didn't touch much of his food and only ate one or two bites before spacing out.

I tried to persuade him, but it didn't work, so I let him be. At the very least, he did not isolate himself in his room and remain depressed on his own. As a result, I'd always accompany him for his comfort. I sipped my banana milk and placed it beside me. I looked up at the sky and noticed the temperature dropping, so I'm glad I wore a coat today.

I looked at Changbin after hearing him sniff. He appeared cold because he wore only his uniform and no jacket. I removed my coat and wrapped it around him. He looked at me in surprise, then tried to take it off, but I looked at him as if I was telling him he should wear it, so he gave up and tucked himself in. I smiled at him, knowing I had done something good for him. I sat back down and closed my eyes.

I realized everything that had happened between us wasn't his fault after Changbin told me about Woojin. It belonged to both me and Woojin. If I had used my brain instead of being stupid at the time, I would have noticed everything, and if Woojin had not threatened Changbin, we would still be friends after two years. Of course, I felt guilty, which is why I resolved to be better to him.

"Don't worry, I'm here now," I said as I looked at him. He was staring at me, his eyes puffy from a lot of crying.

"You're not alone in this fight anymore, I'm here." I genuinely smiled at him, and his tears began to flow, despite his efforts to hold them back. I moved slowly beside him, putting his head on my chest and hugging him while caressing his hair.

We went into our room together, and the rest of the classes went on as usual. The bell rang, signaling that it was time for us to go home. I gathered my belongings and proceeded to Changbin's table. We'd been walking home together since that day. As we walked towards the bus stop, I noticed him. He didn't appear as depressed as he had earlier. I'm glad he's improving. He's strong because he was fighting alone the entire time, and I had faith in his abilities.

"Can I ask you a question?" I inquired.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Why don't you just reveal the truth about my grades 3 years ago, it's going to be my problem anyway and I can deal with it, and Woojin doesn't have anything to threaten you with anymore?" I asked, looking at his face.

" Even if I reveal it, he can still use it," he said without looking at me.

"What is it?" I inquired, and he came to a halt in front of me. It took a few seconds for him to respond.

"Someone filmed us three days ago," he explained, and my jaw dropped.

"Was there someone with us? Who?" I asked, surprised.

"I'm not sure; that person's entire body was hidden in the dark," he said, and I just stared at the ground.

" If he releases it, just tell everyone the truth so the cops can arrest him." I tried to think of a solution.

"That video's purpose isn't to embarrass me; it's a threat to my family. If my family knew what he did to me, they'd probably sue him and break their partnership, and without their partnership, our business will fail." He explained, and I couldn't imagine the struggle he'd been going through all this time.

We arrived at the bus stop and boarded various buses. I received a text from Woojin as the bus continued. He promised to meet me and gave me his address. I got off the bus at the next stop after pressing the stop button. I went to the address he gave me and discovered it was a condominium. I looked up his room number. I rang his doorbell, and he opened it. He was dressed in a thick white sweatshirt with a single black stripe and black pants.

I took off my shoes and went into his room. It appeared simple but decent and neat. He let me sit on his couch while he went to the kitchen and got me some pineapple juice. He sat in front of me, sipping his juice. I looked at the juice in front of me, wondering if he had put anything in it.

"Don't worry, I didn't put anything in it," he explained as he placed his glass on the table. I looked at him, wondering if he had read my mind.

"I suppose Changbin told you, huh?" he asked.

"What did he say?" he asked, putting both of his elbows on his knees, and I didn't respond.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, looking him in the eyes. Those eyes used to make me feel safe, but now I only see murderer's eyes.

"What? I did so many things; tell me which one you're referring to?" he asked, leaning back on the couch and crossing his arms.

"Why did you murder a family? Why did you hack a teacher's computer for my grades? Why couldn't you just accept Changbin's decision?" I peppered him with questions.

"Oh, that's what he said," he laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked, perplexed.

"He's really scared; I guess he didn't tell you why I hacked your grades," he replied, trying hard not to laugh.

"W-what is it?"

"I like you, Chan," he cut me off.

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