• σηє • ☆ Welcome to class 1-A ☆

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Tw: Eating disorder, self doubt, sensory overload, slight homophobia

6:00 AM

A few people, namely Izuku, Iida, Todoroki, Momo, and Bakugou, were up and in the common room. Izuku sat down a glass of orange juice for Iida and Momo, a glass of water for Todoroki, and a glass of iced tea for Bakugou (who refused to admit how much he loved Izuku's tea). As he was cooking breakfast for everyone, Tsu, Kirishima, Uraraka, Ojiro, Koda, and Sato walked down. By 6:30, the entire class was down stairs. Some were enjoying  Izuku's pancakes, while others were still waiting. Izuku made about fifty-four pancakes. He was used to making three per student, but since Mineta was gone he no longer had to fix as many.

"Aww, Deku! You didn't get any pancakes! I'm sorry..." Uraraka said, looking sadly over at the boy.
"It-It's all right Uraraka! I'll eat later!" Izuku said, with wavering certainty in his voice. Of course, this was a lie. Izuku did not plan on eating that day.

Izuku's POV

She noticed... she probably thinks I'm too fat... I knew I shouldn't have ate dinner... do we have a test today? Oh well if we do, I'll probably fail it anyway. I'm good at failing. People, tests, anything. At least I'm good at something.
I really need to stop thinking like this, I might start muttering and... I'll just be a burden.

3rd person

Izuku picked up his bag and walked out the door. He breathed in the fresh spring air and sighed. He decided to stroll around, classes weren't for another hour or so. As he turned the corner, he saw someone familiar.

"Hey Shinsou!" Izuku called out happily.
"Oh, Midoriya, right? How's it going?" Shinsou asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Pretty good," he lied, "whatcha' up to?"
"I was just walking around before school started," Shinsou said, shifting his weight from side to side, "it, um, calms me down before I have to deal with school, I guess."
Izuku giggled, "It does, doesn't it? Being outside makes me happier, I guess." Izuku smiled brightly at Shinsou, causing him to blush.
"Hey, I just realized that I never got your phone number, can you give it to me? I think it would be nice to talk to you for a while," Izuku asked.
"Sure, no problem."

After Shinsou gave Izuku his phone number, they continued to talk outside. Izuku even told Shinsou about Mineta being expelled.

"Yeah, he was awful. He came in and since it was kind of a free day, he went crawling around the room, looking up the girls' skirts. And somehow he found out that Aizawa was dating Present Mic and started being super homophobic, which really struck a chord with just about everyone. We had Iida drag him to the office, because Aizawa-sensei is really scary when he's mad," Izuku explained.
"Are... you gay?" Shinsou asked. He knew that this was really risky.
"Well, I'm, uh, bi. I haven't told too many people, but I think I can trust you."

Shinsou smiled, blushed, then told Izuku that he was gay. They continued talking until the bell rang, when it did, they said their goodbyes and made their way to class.

12:30 pm

Deku squad

Deku: Hey guys, I've got a headache, so I think I'll eat lunch on the roof today, sorry.

Uravity: It's okay Deku! We understand!

Tenya: Please feel better, Midoriya, and go to the nurse if it gets bad.

Deku: Thank you guys for understanding!

Froppy: We get it, its a headache, we all have those, keep

Shoto: And there's no reason to apologize, Midoriya, you did nothing wrong.

Deku: Sorry, it's a bad habit!

Deku has gone offline

How Izuku wished it was just a headache. In all honesty, he wanted peace and quiet. The classroom is so loud and so are the hallways. He didn't want to have a nervous breakdown and freak out in front of everyone, that wasn't like him.

When Izuku made it to the rooftop, he saw Shinsou, sitting on a bench.

"Oh, hey Shinsou!"
"Hey Midoriya, what brings you up here?"
"The school is so loud and it's giving me a headache," Izuku complained, "I just needed some peace."
"I think that's sensory overload, it's a common symptom of anxiety," Shinsou explained.
"What?? No, I can't have anxiety, my life is good, so, y'know-" Izuku started to explain, but was cut off.
"Listen, anxiety doesn't just come from a bad home life, or a bad life in general. Neither does depression. Traumatic events can cause them, yes, but that's not always the case. Besides, lots of people experience sensory overload, not just people who have anxiety."

Izuku hugged Shinsou. Tightly.

"What was th-"
"I like you, Shinsou. You're so amazing... You stick around even when I'm being ridiculous. Never stop being a good person."

Shinsou blushed madly. But of course, the bell rang.

"Bye Shinsou!" Izuku waved back at the lilac-headed boy who could just lift his hand up a bit.

Shinsou's POV

Dammit, I've fallen for him.

2:30 pm
3rd person

"Alright class, it's near the end of the day, and we've got a new student. He will be here to replace Mineta. This student did qualify for classes 1-A and 1-B, however, they could not take down and robots. Please welcome Shinsou Hitoshi to Class 1-A."

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