°•Chapter V: I got no time•°

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    Takes place to the song I got no time by The Living Tombstone FNAF song. That's it. Now on to the book.


  I got not time, no time to live
  I got no time to live.....

     ...... And I can't say goodbye

   And I'm regretting having memories of my friends ,who they used to be

Boboiboy's P.O.V:

   Against this world an theirs, I'm forced to find something far impossible, I don't know what it is and I don't care what its goning to be, as long as it is just related to what the thing in my head is saying, and who and why is their such thing as an AU or Creator like Kurea. Last night, I already guessed what my fate would be, I don't want anyone to know what it is yet, especially Yaya, who knows if someone believes me, I might just make myself crazy .

   We have a mission today and now were on the ship that Commander Kokochi owns, Fang isn't with us now he is in a solo mission, us, well, were heading to this new planet called 'Lustrous' a planet of gems and with humanoid gems that look like humans, and the mission? I don't know yet, or I was just not listening, when I heard there was a mission I didn't bother to listen, I just shrugged my thoughts out of that and thinked of something else, anyways, were almost at our destination, Ochobot tried to get my attention but I just told him to ignore me for awhile.

3rd Person's P.O.V:

    (a/n: I have to make this 3rd Person's P.O.V for awhile so I won't go switching P.O.V to P.O.V)

      Ochobot sighed in sadness and goes to the charging room with Motobot and Cattus, Yaya saw this and tried to talk to him, the yellow power sphera said that it isn't important but he'll talke about it when they get to their destination, then he just flyed to the charging room, he wished to talk about it but he can't.

    Yaya saw Boboiboy at the window looking at the stars outside, she could notice the sudden change of his personality, at first he was often happy, and excited for new missions but today, he is.... How do I say this, ignorant, empty, and not that much excited. She walks beside him and stared at the stars along him, it was so silent, Boboiboy would often start the conversation, the silence was spreading through, except for Gopal who is annoying Captain Kokochi and Ying. "So Boboiboy, I saw Ochobot sad lately, do you know the reason why ?" the gravity manipulator asked, it was still silent......

1 minute.....

2 minutes......

3 minutes......

4 minutes.......

5 minutes.......

..... Until they reached their destination "Alright everyone, remember the mission, guard the base along with your gem allies until the end of the day, and report back what the cause of the damages that were caused on their home." everyone except Boboiboy saluted "Yes commander" Yaya wasn't able to get answers from Boboiboy he stood silent for 7 minutes like a stone, or he didn't hear anything, and ignored Yaya and felt as if nothing was there, or he felt like there was no one existing.

    Ochobot stayed behind, along with Commander Kokochi, as the gang left, they were greeted with humanoid gems, that were all seem female like "Why do these gem people remind me of the Steven Universe show?" Boboiboy said raising an eyebrow "Welcome Tapops members, to Lustrous, we know this isn't a Power Sphera rescue mission, but it is something that we need you all to help us, and where are my manners, my name is Phosphophylite, but call me Phos." the green mint haired gem said, and shaked hands with Boboiboy "Nice to meet you Phosphophylite, let me guess, hardness of 3.5?" Phos's eyes widen with amazement, and let go of his hand "Yes, although my hands are replaced with gold platinum alloy" "How did that happen ?" Boboiboy asked, the mint haired gem looked down with sadness Boboiboy saw this and apologized to her noticing it might be something she doesn't want to talk about.

BREAK ME APART:Universe Guardian (BBBAU)(Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin