"It's just out of habit," Mom said.

       "Disregarding my sexuality shouldn't be out of habit," I said.

       This time, it was Mom's turn to be silent for a bit as she tried to figure out how to respond. She ended up saying, "You know I still love you, right?"

       "Yeah, I know," I said quietly.

       Mom just gave me a small smile before getting up from the table, then leaving the kitchen. I sighed, putting my earphones in so I could get back to work. At least she didn't know about me writing for Zion yet. I was surprised Carrie hadn't told her, but I knew the moment my parents found out, things weren't going to end well.

       It shouldn't even be that big of a deal. I was just working with someone I had a better connection with. I still helped Carrie out a lot. I just couldn't do it anymore.

       But I knew they were going to take Carrie's side over mine.

       Everyone always took Carrie's side over mine.

       Even though I really wanted to get back to work on this song, I couldn't really concentrate after the conversation I just had with my mom. I took out my earphones once again and saved the file before closing my laptop. I leaned back in the chair, trying to think of something I could do to get the creative juices flowing.

       I couldn't think of anything.

       I ended up picking up my cell phone and calling Zion to see if he could suggest anything. It didn't take long for him to pick up once the phone started ringing. "Hey, what's up?" Zion said.

       "So... I'm sort of in a stump right now," I said. "I was working on a song, but after... something happened, I no longer have the motivation to do so. I just can't get the creative juices flowing, so I was kind of hoping you would have an idea."

       "Well, I personally like to sleep when I have no motivation," Zion said. "But I could see how that won't really help. So, how about... Wait, just let me think of something..."

       "Whatever it is, it can't involve flooding something," I said.

       Zion sighed. "Fine, nothing fun, then."

       "I think your definition of fun is a lot different from mine."

       "Well, what do you like to do for fun? Besides music?"

       I thought for a bit but for some reason, I couldn't think of anything. Why couldn't I think of anything?

       "Hello?" Zion asked. "Earth to Dane? Are you still there?"

       "Yeah, I'm still here," I said. "I... I can't actually think of something I like to do for fun."

       "You're kidding, right?" Zion asked. "Everyone has something they find fun."

       "Well, working for Carrie was very time consuming, I guess," I said. "I barely had any moments to myself with all the songwriting and going to her concerts and also focusing on school. Nothing I could ever do for fun."

       "Alright, new mission--"

       "Mission? New mission? What was the first mission?"

       "Finding something to get your creative juices flowing was the first mission. The new mission is to find something you like doing for fun. That way, not only do you have something you could do on your free time, but you might also find something you can do if you're ever in a slump. Something to get those creative juices flowing."

       "Are you sure it will be a good idea for you to help me find something? Like I said, your idea of fun is a lot different from mine."

       "Not true. We both find music fun. Surely we can find something else we both find fun. You free tomorrow? I would help you today, but I have a lot of homework I have to do even though it's Saturday."

       "Wait, you're telling me you're the type of person who doesn't do their homework at the last minute?"

       Zion sighed. "No, I totally am the person who does it at the last minute. But I didn't do too well on one of my tests recently, so my parents are making me do my homework on Saturdays when it's the weekend from now on. At least they're not making me do it on Fridays. So are you free tomorrow?"

       "I am," I said. "Do you have anything in mind of what we're going to do?"

       "I might," Zion said. "Don't worry, it has nothing to do with flooding. Although, I might have to flood the concession stand the next time we work as a protest for having to do homework on Saturdays."

       "That's a childish protest."

       "It is not."

       "Whatever you say, Zion."


zion really is childish and i love it lol

i feel like the chapters have been too short so far, so i'll try to make them longer! i would have made this one longer, but it's already pretty late. (it's 3 am lol)


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