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Stephen POV:
Years later

We Haven't had a full conversation I'm months.... She's just more depressed now and shut down. And it's all my fault, this shit wouldn't have happen, if I wasn't killing those men in that alley and she didn't ran into the scene. FUCKKK!!! But the good news is that I've got my anger much calm now, haven't even yelled at her at all in so long or got upset, she just do as she's told and doesn't care as she does it. We don't even talk anymore like we did or even getting to know her. TRUST ME , I want her to be happy, but she can't be happy cause I have her here. She can't leave because then everyone will find out about the murder since she's been missing for so long! And once they find out I have no choice either to kill her or I'm gonna be dead by my boss! That's why I have no choice but to keep her here where she's only safe at!

I decided to go check on her, she's been staying the attic for months now after we moved. I go up to the attic and I see her just laying there staring at the ceiling as if  she was seeing someone or something. I clear my throat and say "Amelia, would you like to go out for some fresh air?"  "No thank you..." Is all she says as she continues to stare up the ceiling. "Are you sure? I know you'll have to where a descize and all but it's the best that I can do!" I say. "No thanks. If anything you can go ahead and kill me if you'd like, I'll accept that. " "Please stop talking like that again, I'm gonna go get you something to eat for tonight!" I say closing the door behind me.

Later on that night

After grabbing some dinner , I yell Amelia to come downstairs but I don't hear a thing. I yell again but still don't hear nothing. I know she didn't escape or at least trying to at this state she's in. But I gotta make sure just incase. I grab my gum and go up the attic, I try to pull the light switch on but it wasn't coming on. I then turned my flashlight on looking around the room to see Amelia on the floor with blood coming from her body as her eyes was close on the floor. Immediately started to panic, picked her up and carried her down from the attic.

There was too much blood coming out her body , I have to get to a hospital ASAP! I immediately call 911 and for the ambulance to come. Once they arrived we were off to the hospital, it took bout 2 hours for me to see her. Once the doctor approached me he asked "Are you the one that was with The Young lady?" I nodded my head hoping he didn't realize her identity. "What is her name again?" "It's Jessica, Jessica Burlington!" I said. "I'm her Boyfriend, Edward Evans!" I said nervously. "Well Mr. Evans, it seems that Your girlfriend will need to stay here for a week until she gains a little strength. She has anorexia , depressed disorder and she tried to kill herself with a glass that looked like it came from a light bulb." My god Amelia , what the hell have I done, shit I'm screwed!! No I gotta make this right some how! I can't keep doing this anytime soon!! "And one more thing, she will be seeing a therapist until he feels as if she doesn't need it anymore, understood?" The doctor says.

I nod my head and says "Yes sir! Thank you so much!! Is it alright if I go see her now?" "Of course!" He says before walking away. Once I walked in the room she was laying there fast asleep with wires to her arms and a mask on her face. I rub her head slowly and softly , I then feel tears in my eyes. "Amelia, I'm so sorry. I'm a horrible ass man and I've never cared about anyone more than I cared about you before!" I was now balling on the floor in tears Realizing all the damaged I've done to her. I have to do something, change something! Fix it all because she can't keep going through this anymore ,especially by me!

Later on:

I was now asleep in this small hospital bed with her as is was storming and raining outside. I hear her waken up, I open my eyes to see her looking at me. " I just woken up, I'm scared that if I move you'll kill me but then I remember that i haven't lived my life in so long that I wouldn't mind getting killed after all." I looked at her with hurt in my eyes , rubbing her face. "Amelia please stop talking like this please!" I said. "Why? I thought you wanted me to die?" She asked. I shook my head and said "I promise you I don't, I want you happy. I promise! I'll do whatever it takes to see you back to your old self again I swear!"

"I want my mom and dad.." she softly says with tears coming down her cheeks. "After this week I promise I'll take you to them, I really do promise you this time Amelia. Just please don't die on me yet, I've hurted you long enough and i can't stand to see you like this!" She doesn't say anything but stares at me, " i love you.." I said. She blinks at me and slowly turns her back towards me. Did I say something wrong at that moment? Or does she not love me? Maybe this is bad timing at the state that she is in. I have to make this right if it's the last thing I do, even if it gets me killed at this moment!

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