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Stephen POV:
It's Been A week since what happened with Amelia and today is the day I promised her that I would take her to her parents and risk my life if going to prison.. Amelia is still sleeping and I'm making her some breakfast before it's time for us to go. I put the eggs , bacon and pancakes on the plate grabbing a glass of orange juice. I walk to the room with the food in my hands seeing her sleeping peacefully. "Amelia.." I said softly. She still sleep so I say her name again to see her slowly open her eyes. "Mmmm" she hums and she raise her body up in the bed looking at me. "I made you some breakfast this morning.." I said smiling at her. She looks at me and then takes the plate and slowly starts to eat. "Thank you.." she says chewing her food. I nod and says "And I'm still gonna do what I promise to do for you today...I'm gonna take you to your parents house today...even if that causes me to get locked up." She stays quiet and looks down. I sigh and walks out the room. But then Amelia calls out my name. "Stephen!" She yells. I walk back in the room. "Yes?" I said raising an eyebrow in curiosity. She pats the bed beside her and says "Come, sit". I walk over the the bed and sit beside her and says "Yes?"

Amelia POV:
I swallow hard preparing myself for what I was gonna say... I know this may sound stupid for what I'm bout to say but I just can't. My conscience won't let me, I'm too good of a person to let him get locked up! I prepare myself looking at him in his eyes and say "I'm not gonna go home, at least not today.." he looks at me in surprise and says "Wait, what! Really? Why not?" "I thought about it, no matter how many times I've escape you kept your word. You said you'll never hurt me and you took good care of me.. even when I'm being stubborn back then you still tried. I at least owe you this to not be so stress out or worried about going to Prison." I said. "What made you do all of this Amelia?" He asked. I look him in his eyes with small tears coming to my eyes and put his hand on my chest where my heart is at and says "Because... I love you Stephen. I realize that now that I'm In love with you." He looks at me with the widest eyes and shock with his cheeks turning red and stares at me smiling. "I like hearing that Amelia" he says before kissing my hand and hugs him. I hug him back smiling and says "But there's one condition that I need!" He looks at me nodding and says "Okay what is it?" "You will let me call my parents to let them know I'm alive but we'll have to come up with some story on why I'm not home!" I said. "Okay, that's fair! So what now?" He asked. I smile and say "Your gonna give me my freedom by shopping every and anywhere I like, I get some friends and definitely redecorate this house!" He thinks to himself and says " okay I can do those but no male friends and why redecorate the house? I thought it looks fine!" I shake my head" No, no baby! This house need a whole makeover! It needs a women tough and I'm just the right girl for that!" I said laughing. He chuckles and says "Okay, okay, fine! We can do that!" Hours past and we've ate dinner , watched a movie and talked about changing things. Just then I decided to call my parents, I'm already sweating like a pig and hands are shaking. But it's time to put my big girl panties on be brave and tell them. Just then I dial their phone number and the phone rings. Then I hear my mothers voice "Hello?" "Mom?" I said nervously. "AMELIA!?!?" She shouts. "IS THAT AMELIA?!?!" My father shouts. "AMELIA WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? ARE YOU OKAY?!" My mother shouts.

                             To Be Continued

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