Part 21: Confession

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Colress pushes his glasses up. "Hm. Very well." He returns Magnezone to its Pokéball.

You gently push Chandelure away from the weird hug she had been giving you. "We won... so does that mean you won't take N?"

"Ah yes, about that." He snickers. "Ghetsis never told me to come get you. He hasn't the slightest idea I'm here!"

N storms up to him, probably ready to punch him. "Wait, then why would you do all that?!"

"Why of course, I wanted to have a battle with Y/N. If they thought your life was potentially at risk, I figured they would show a much better battle performance." He shrugs.


"You may think it's sick, but I disagree!" He spins on his heel. "Now, I best be taking Magnezone to the Pokémon Center. Have fun out there, Lord N. I don't intend to tell Ghetsis you're here, but I'm sure he'll figure it out." With that, he leaves.

"We should take Chandelure to the Pokémon Center as well," N tells you.

Zoroark walks up to Chandelure and inspects her new form. "Huh. Nice. I still think I'd win in a fight though."

"Oh you wanna go?" She and Zoroark start play-fighting.

"Hey, settle down for now," N says, stepping between them.

Zoroark clearly still seems to be feeling bitter towards him, as he scowls and moves to your other side.

"Zoroark... Oh well. Y/N, let's get going."

When you get to the Pokémon Center, Colress isn't there, and you didn't see him leave either. You hand the Pokéball with Chandelure in it to Nurse Joy.

"Oh my," she says. "Seems like you and Chandelure have had a busy day!" She smiles and hands you the ball back. "Take care now!"

"Y/N!" N calls. "I've booked us a room. C'mon!"

Chandelure pops out of her Pokéball and the two of you head over to your room.

As soon as the door closes behind you, Zoroark starts yelling at N.

"You should have let me stay out! I heard you scream! I saw you try to block me!"

"Zoroark, what's wrong?" Chandelure asks, trying to calm him down.

"Zoroark, it's alright. Concordia and Anthea-"

"The Goddesses can't fix everything N! I bet Y/N doesn't even know what I'm talking about! Did you even tell them about this?"

"I don't want them to worry-"

"There's a line between not worrying us and putting a wall between us." Zoroark sits down in the corner. "You won't be able to progress any further if you don't tell the truth." He curls up and goes to sleep.

Chandelure hovers near N. "What... was he talking about?"

N sighs and sits down on one of the beds. "It's... Y/N, do you want to know?"

You nod, sitting down on the bed across from him.

"It's nothing too bad. remember how I told you about running away a lot as a kid, right? And how one of Ghetsis' punishments was Hydreigon's dragon rage, right? Well...since I told the crowd what I did in Mistralton, he..."

"No way!" you exclaim. "He hit you with dragon rage?"

"It's fine though. My body's used to it by now, I hardly felt a thing."

"That's a lie." Zoroark spits. "I can tell from the way you screamed it hurt like hell."

"And Zoroark appears to be mad at me for-"

"It's not that I'm mad!" Zoroark stands up and glares at him. "I'm upset that you're facing these things by yourself! How long have you and I been friends?! And what about Y/N and Chandelure? They both care about you so much! All of us care, N." He scoffs. "You don't have to go through it alone."

a. "Yeah N, we're here for you."

b. "He's right. After all, we're a team."

c. "We can tell each other everything now."

a. "Yeah N, we're here for you," you tell him.

N leans back slightly and smiles. "Thank you for saying so. Maybe I should allow myself to confide in you more often."

b. "He's right." You smile. "After all, we're a team."

Zoroark nods. "Yeah. See, nothing scary's gonna happen."

c. "You don't have to worry," you say. "We can tell each other everything."

"Right," N says. "Like that promise we made a while ago, huh?"

"There, we have a happy resolution. Now I'm actually going to sleep." Zoroark nods and curls up in the corner.

N stares down at the floor. "I'm sorry about all this."

You smile at him. "It's no trouble."

"But...from now on, let's promise to tell each other everything. That way we can always be there for each other!"

You nod excitedly.

It's great he's opening up to you for what feels like the first time!

"Hey, trainer." Chandelure gets your attention. "You should tell him about the thing."

"The thing?"

"Yeah! The thing."

You understand. "Oh, that thing?"

"What thing?" N asks.

"Something," Chandelure says.

You slowly explain to N that Colress told you about how there's the possibility you might be dead. You tell him Colress brought you here and how he's looking for a solution.

When you're done, N lets out a long breath. "Wow, I... I don't even know what to say. How do you feel about the whole thing?"

a. "I'm a little scared."

b. "I'm indifferent."

c. "Strangely happy about it."

"I see. Well, if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. I want to be able to support you, Y/N."

You nod, feeling at ease.

"I'm hungry!" Chandelure chirps. "Are there any more Oran Berries?"

N chuckles. "Unfortunately, we've run out. Y/N and I can go get some." He offers you a hand. "Well, if you want to."

A/N: You guys know Colress right? Of course you do. And you know Sebastian from Black Butler? I just- I imagined Colress having Sebastian's voice AND I CAN'T UNHEAR IT. Whenever he says Lord N, I just- All I can think...

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