Part 3: The Dreamyard

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N looks at you in shock. He grabs your hands. "You can understand Pokémon too?!"

With the sudden movement, Litwick falls off your shoulder.

N turns to Litwick. "Hey, can you say something?"

Litwick pauses. "I like Oran berries," she says.

N looks back to you for a translation.

"She says she likes Oran berries."

"Amazing," he mutters. "I never thought I'd find someone who shares this ability with me." He stands up and offers you a hand.

You take it and stand up beside him.

"I should be headed to the Dreamyard fairly soon, so we'd better hurry up."

You two continue through Route 2, neither of you saying much, aside from responding to Litwick's occasional chirps.

As you approach Striaton city, you ask N,

a. "What are you going to be doing in the Dreamyard?"

b. "Do you really think every Pokémon should be released from their trainers?"

c. "When will I see you again?"

a. "So, what are you going to do in the Dreamyard?"

"I've heard there are Munna who live in the Dreamyard. They produce Dream Mist, as I'm sure you know. Team Plasma simply needs some of that Mist," N explains.

b. "Do you really think every Pokémon should be liberated and separated from their trainers?

N rubs the back of his head. "Unfortunately, I cannot answer that question right now, Y/N."

Well so much for that.

c. "N, when will I see you again?"

Hopefully that doesn't sound as clingy as you think it might.

"I can't say for sure, Y/N. But as long as you continue exploring the Unova Region and working for Team Plasma, I'm sure we'll cross paths."

You're about to ask him what that means, but he stops you.

"Listen, Y/N." He leans in and whispers in your ear. "I'll tell you more some other time, when we are truly alone."

You step back, and N smiles.

"See you later Y/N!" He runs off into the city.

You stand there, watching him leave.

Was he just that close? Did we imagine that?

"Are you OK, trainer?" Litwick calls from her spot by your feet. "You're pink, trainer!"

"I-I am?!" You put a hand over your face.

The same group of trainers from Accumula are standing near the Striaton Gym.

"Are you gonna go in, Black?" Bianca asks cheerfully. Apparently you catch her eye. "Hi there!" She runs up to you, Cheren facepalming in the background.

"H-hello..." you say.

"Hi I'm Bianca! Your Litwick is so cute!!!"

"Bianca," Cheren says, grabbing her shoulder. "Don't bug this innocent stranger."

Promise By The Ferris Wheel (N x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now