Part 2: Accumula Town

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You come back out of the room after a few minutes, wearing fresh new attire of your choosing. You follow some random grunt until you find the exit.

The sun is super bright and you have to squint a bit against the blue sky. You're surrounded by trees and green grass, and the light breeze seems to carry the cheerful cries of Pokémon through the area.

You remember the Pokéball that other grunt gave you and you pull it out of your pocket. Itching with curiosity, you press the button.

It opens, but nothing comes out. 

He had given you an empty Pokéball, which in a way is good, since you can now catch a Pokémon like you had always dreamed.

It's also a bit of a problem, however, since you now have nothing to defend yourself with.

You're supposed to be in Accumula Town, however, so let's head there.

Time skip brought to you by raid shadow legends

People are playing instruments and laughing with their Pokémon. Some are out for walks, some are sitting around, and others are doing jobs together.

Accumula Town is a cheerful little place, or so it seems.

A bunch of people wearing Team Plasma uniforms and holding their flag march through the center of town. They set the flags down on a hill and get everyone's attention.

You stand at the back of the newly formed crowd and watch.

A man you recognize as Ghetsis stands atop the hill, flanked by two grunts.

He looks to be about fifty or so, with long green hair like N's and bright purple and yellow robes. There's also a strange lense over his right eye.

"People and Pokémon," he says, "have coexisted for centuries upon centuries. But have you ever wondered if this is the way things should be?"

Murmurs go through the crowd.

"The way things should be?"

"Are we doing things wrong?"

"What's this guy getting at?"

Ghetsis continues. "What we need to be doing, instead of capturing these little creatures in Pokéballs, is liberating them!" He listens as the crowd is sent into whispers.

"Liberate them?"

"Like, let them go?"

"But I've been with my Liepard since I was a kid!"

"So please," he says once again. "Think about what I've said today. To liberate all Pokémon, that is the goal of Team Plasma."

The crowd melts away, and you stand there as Ghetsis and the grunts take the flags down and leave.

A group of trainers talk among themselves near where you are standing, so you listen in.

"I think they have a point," says a girl wearing a large green hat.

Bianca! One of your rivals in the game!

"But instead of liberating all Pokémon, they should only be freeing the ones that are in immediate danger or being abused by their trainers," says a boy with black hair.

And that must be Cheren!

The third trainer stays silent and nods.

His name could be anything, so let's go with Black.

Promise By The Ferris Wheel (N x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ