Nothing to Find

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Hoseok had nothing to hope for

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Hoseok had nothing to hope for. Before he could think of the possibilities of food, but now all he could think about was their bleak outlook. He huddled next to Yoongi.

Him and Taehyung had managed to drag Namjoon and Jin out of the cabin. Marshall had helped them. Now Jin was laying on a ripped seat cover and his wounds had been covered with some spare bandage tape from the first aid kit. Blood had soaked through. Jin's face was flushed. Occasionally, he would whimper, prompting Yoongi to rush and give him some water. It would dribble out of his mouth. He was in agony, Hoseok knew. He wished there was something to do.

Namjoon was in a similar predicament, but his situation was a lot better than Jin's. Though he could barely breathe, he managed to sit upright and that did help with the pain. He managed to swallow the water that Yoongi gave him.

Jungkook was alright. The head injury still gave him some trouble, but he could walk and talk and do everything that he wanted to do. Hoseok just wanted him to sit down and take it easy. There was nothing to do anyway.

Jimin was okay too. He barely said anything with all the shock and fear from the accident. His leg had swollen up. He couldn't walk. Hoseok tried to get him to talk to him, but Jimin didn't really say anything. It was like he was gone.

So, Hoseok had really nothing to do.

It gave him ample time to talk. To get to know the pilots. Who were they, really? It helped reduce them from being the causes of their predicament to people who'd just made a mistake. What had exactly happened? Hoseok just wanted to know. It helped take his mind off other things.


Kevin looked baffled. He took a deep breath. Marshall glanced at him, his own face contorted with pain.

"What happened? To the plane, I mean," Hoseok asked. He noticed Namjoon paying attention. Poor Jin had gone unconscious again.

"Well..." Kevin started. "Um, you see-"

"I'll explain," Marshall said. For the first time in his life, Kevin felt thankful for Marshall's talkative nature. "There were a bunch of warnings showing up that didn't make any sense. First, it said we were going too fast. So the autopilot tried to correct it by raising the speed, which you do by climbing. Going uphill, you know, makes you go faster. But then all of a sudden, it says that the plane is going too slow. The plane started diving. We weren't doing anything, it was all the autopilot's doing. We didn't touch anything at all, we did everything we were supposed to."

"Anyway, and then, with all these warnings popping up, the autopilot started to get confused. And it did what it's designed to do - it disconnected. It essentially bailed on us when we're in trouble."

"And then we tried our best to pull the plane up, but it literally wouldn't respond," Kevin added. "It's like we were screaming and raging up there, but the plane wouldn't listen to anything."

"Automation error," Namjoon said. His voice was weak. They were the first real words he had said since the accident.

Marshall nodded. "Yeah."

"Fuck man," Hoseok said. "Fuck."

"That sounds awful," Jimin said quietly.

"So it wasn't your fault," Yoongi said.

Kevin bristled. "No," he said. "According to what I understand, no."

Marshall glanced at him. He had a calm look on his face, almost as if he was trying to comfort him. Kevin shook his head.

"It wasn't our fault," Marshall repeated. "We explained to you what our situation was. This is what happened. Maybe in an official investigation, they'll find that we actually did do something. But even if we did, we didn't do it on purpose."

Yoongi nodded. He looked over to Hoseok, who looked deep in thought. He looked over at Jimin and Namjoon, who just looked distant. They were all so confused, almost drifting away from each other. He still couldn't believe1 it was real.

Kevin sighed. He noticed Hoseok looking at him, and he sighed again, deeper. Somehow, that would take his guilt away.

"It's okay," Jungkook said.

"It's okay," Yoongi said too, but his voice was quieter. Sadder.

Kevin felt his insides get flooded with guilt. For whatever reason, he leaned towards Marshall. His shoulder throbbed. If he thought about his life before, he could forget all this.

"We need to find food," Jungkook said.

"There is no food," Hoseok said.

"I know, that's why I said we need to find some."


"Well, we crashed in a forest. I'm sure there's edible things somewhere."

"And if there isn't?"

Jungkook shrugged. "Then we'll eat the bark off the trees."

Hoseok tried to fight off the smile, but he couldn't. He grinned at Jungkook. He felt like a maniac. Why was he laughing while so many people were suffering?

But Jungkook's words seemed to have that effect on everyone. Even Namjoon smiled. Kevin straightened himself out and started looking more presentable. Hoseok tried not to notice the winces of pain that filtered through Marshall's grin.

"Thank you for that," Yoongi said. "I never thought I would be thankful for your dumb comments but here we are."

"Circumstances have changed," Hoseok said.

"I knew one day you would be thankful for me," Jungkook said.

"I always am," Yoongi said.

They were speaking in Korean, but Kevin could pick out enough words to understand most of what they were talking about. He thought about Marshall and how much he had hated him at the beginning. Now, he couldn't count the number of times he'd been thankful to have him by his side. With Marshall here, he could almost imagine himself getting out of here.

"Marshall hyung, are you okay?" Taehyung asked.


Marshall glanced up. Taehyung was smiling straight at him. There was no hint of malice in his expression. So they had finally got over the initial mistrust of each other. They were finally a team.

"What did you say?" Marshall asked.

"I was asking if you were okay."

"I'm fine."

"Doesn't your head hurt?" Yoongi asked. "You keep clutching it."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."


If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask me here...

Btw who's your favourite pilot?

Stay healthy peoples ❤❤

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