Crash Pt. 2

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Yoongi shot awake

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Yoongi shot awake. The terrifying feeling of falling was running through his body. He glanced over at Jin whose eyes were just as wide as his own.

We're going to crash. We're going to die.

"Jin!" Yoongi screamed. He somehow moved his hand to hold on to Jin's. The death grip on Yoongi's hand indicated just how much trouble they were in.

From behind, they could hear Hoseok yelling and screaming, Jungkook and Jimin crying and almost make out Namjoon's panicked mumbling. Dark sky raced past them through the windows. What had once seemed like a routine flight had turned out to be one of the worst nightmares any of them had ever had.

Fear paralyzed Yoongi as he held Jin's hand. Screams that he later recognized as his own echoed throughout the cabin. He didn't care anymore.

Taehyung gripped onto Namjoon's shirt and both of them held each other tightly as the plane fell. They were both yelling, screaming, crying, doing anything that would maybe get them out of this nightmare.


"Pull up, pull up," Marshall kept repeating like an idiot, as if that would help.

Kevin let go of the yoke again. Maybe the stupid plane would right itself just like last time and everything would be okay. It didn't do anything. The plane briefly leveled off, before plunging downwards again. It was so cruel.

When their altitude went into the ten thousands, he lost all control over his emotions. Kevin gripped onto the side of his seat and the yoke, feeling tears burn into his eyes. Oh, so this was how it was all going to end. He didn't want to look over at Marshall to see how he looked.

"Let me."

Marshall cut power to both the engines. The plane was falling like a dead bird now.

Kevin let go of his controls. He watched the engines dial back one by one, their power fading. The plane's descent slowed down a bit.

Maybe they had a chance of making it now.

Marshall pulled back on his own yoke, and the plane started pulling out of the dive. It was still descending too quickly - they were still going to crash - but maybe not as violently. An emergency landing, hopefully.

Kevin's focus didn't waver. He watched the smallest amount of sky appear on the artificial horizon. It was pitch dark outside and he couldn't see anything otherwise.

"Are we still descending?" Marshall asked.

"Yes, a thousand feet... two thousand feet per minute."

Kevin reached to his side and pulled out his headset. He let the flight attendants know what was going on. They had five minutes left until impact and every moment counted. They could brief the passengers.

He could hear the controllers on the frequency still. He let them know their position, and gave them updates about their situation. Marshall had let them know about the emergency.

Previously, Kevin had been so gripped by fear that he couldn't function. Now, he had managed to clear a path through the emotion to be able to think clearly.

"Handing back control to you," Marshall said.


Kevin gripped his yoke again.

"Gear down," he said.

Marshall pulled the lever down. Two of the three green lights popped up. A red light appeared too.

"The nose gear isn't coming down," Marshall said.

"Oh no." Kevin took a deep breath. It's okay, they still had a chance.

He tried to locate somewhere where they could land safely, but he couldn't see anything.

"Can you see a clearing of some kind? Maybe a..."

"No." Marshall shook his head. He leaned forward to see. Kevin watched him through the corner of his eye. "I'm sorry, it's way too dark. Can't see a thing."

Kevin could make out masses of trees. That's all. They stood as dark shapes on an even more invisible landscape.

They were still going down.

"Come on."

"Here goes nothing," Marshall said. "Mom, I love you."

Kevin would've said something similar to that effect had he had the time, but right then, he heard the bottom of the plane scrape against the trees and then all hell broke loose.

They were careening down some slope and Kevin was completely helpless. The controls uselessly rattled along. The plane was pitched at an angle, and the frame couldn't handle the stress. The front part of the plane broke off.

Kevin had no idea what happened to the rest of the plane. All he knew was they continued going down the slope until the ground naturally levelled off. Still, they continued moving until they slammed into a giant rock.

The last thing he remembered seeing was the plane starting to fold towards him.


The eerie silence that followed stood in direct contrast with the loudness that had ruled earlier.

Yoongi loosened his grip on Jin's hand. He tried to shake him, before he realized that the window next to Jin had smashed apart and severel pieces were embedded into Jin.

He gulped.

Jin, being the stupid idiot he was, had twisted himself straight towards the window so that nobody else would get injured.

"Hyung, Jin hyung?"

Yoongi tapped his forehead. Come on. Please.



He was alive? Hoseok blinked. Jungkook's hand was limp in his own.

There was a faint light streaming in from the side of the plane. The wall had been torn apart. It was still dark out, but the moonlight was strong enough to illuminate the trees that surrounded them. He recalled seeing the forest that they were flying through. Were they there? He tried to remember where exactly that had been, but found that he couldn't.

"Guys?" he called.

"Are you guys alright?"


That was Yoongi's voice. Hoseok looked around frantically.

"Are you okay?" he called.

"Mostly! You?"

"Mostly too, I think!"

Hoseok pulled on Jungkook's hand. Jungkook flopped closer to him. There was a nasty bleeding cut on his head. Panic bloomed through Hoseok's chest. He had no supplies to help him.

"Jungkook's hurt!" he screamed.

"Jin hyung is too!"

"Taehyung? Namjoon? Jimin? What about you guys?"

A chilling silence followed. Hoseok found himself jumping to the worst conclusions.

What had just happened?


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