19 | deathblow

121 13 10

a/n: it's happening it's happening it's happening it's happening

the climax of the book is here!! it's a wild ride so enjoy :)

with love,




THE ALARM IS deafening.

Ren and I locate our weapons and earpieces, then race up steep slopes onto a monorail that sails straight toward the red-lit Tower. Even from a distance, its spotlights light up the sky as they sweep across surrounding marketplaces in panic. The sky darkens quickly with no sign of sun. A storm is rolling in.

An edge of sour-smelling smoke fills the air. Cho's voice slides into my voice.

"A recent city-wide warning has been issued. Osaka Medicine Tower—lockdown. All men, women, and children must evacuate from the Tower's neighborhoods immediately."

Her annoucement blends into loudening speakers as we approach. Our monorail rattles to a stop in the center of chaos. Police are conducting a full evacuation, herding crowds like panicked sheep toward larger city-wide monorail stations. The stalls are hollow, brushed aside as families shout with urgency. Go, go, go!

"Osaka Medicine Tower—lockdown," repeats the warning, blending with Cho's voice. "All men, women, and children must evacuate from the Tower's neighborhoods immediately. Osaka Medicine Tower—lockdown..."

Police uniforms blur past me. Ren and I push blindly forward, scanning red-bathed crowds for Kotomi. Even Itsuo or Nobu. Shouldn't they be here? Weren't they investigating Daizo's property only a few blocks away.

"Hina Ogawa!"

A younger voice cuts through the air. Instantly, I hone in on the voice—it comes from the entrance of the Tower itself. There. A cluster of officers surround Kotomi and Nobu, with Itsuo at the forefront waving me over. He jogs forward, eyes bright with worry.

"It is Hina Ogawa, right?" He glances at Ren. "Ren-shu Ko?"

Ren nods impatiently, his eyes fixed on the Tower. It looms upward, a helpless monster in the sky. Up this close, I see each crisscrossing pattern of its steel supports, a hexagonal encasement of metal guarding the central elevator that carries workers up to its glass crown. And, beyond that, metallic spires that belch out the Tower's herbal fumes. Spires that could belch out Daizo's white wing.

"What's going on?" asks Ren.

Itsuo tilts his head backward. "Follow me. Nobu-san will explain."

"Nobu-san," he mutters, as if the honorific tastes sour in his mouth. I give him a sharp nudge and jog after Itsuo.

The entrance of the Tower is tucked into the shadows beneath a rusted metallic archway. A dozen black flags dance furiously in a bone-chilling breeze—the sight sucks the breath from my lungs, bringing back haunted images. Funeral envelopes. Red wing symbols. Tearstained letters. I point before I know what I'm doing.


"Ah, look who so conveniently escaped for Daizo's final act," teases Nobu, striding forward. Hands on hips, the waistline of his jacket swept back. "I would arrest you if I weren't in desperate need of answers."

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