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[~1st POV~]

We brought the guy to the infirmary and placed him on one of the nursing beds. I pulled up two chairs, one for me and the other for Moka. We sat next to each other, across from the guy.

"You know, something tells me that he's in the same situation as you, (Y/N)."

I raised an eyebrow at Leonidas on my shoulder. "What do you mean?" Moka asked my partner.

"Well what I'm trying to say is that I think he is also a human."

I see Moka's eyes widen again and looks at the unconscious guy lying on the bed. My eyes started to blink rapidly before glancing at the guy and then at Leonidas. "Oh you have to be kidding me... The guy is already beat! There's no way for him to stay here!"

In this place full of monsters, this guy won't survive! I'm human and all, but at least I got protection from Leonidas and my other Bakugan. This guy won't have a chance of survival if he stays in this academy!

"We might as well keep his identity hidden then if he is human. Something just tells me he is one though." Leonidas says, and I sigh. "I'd feel bad if he has to go through this alone, so I'll be his friend then." Moka nods and her lips curl into a smile. "I will as well then."

We waited until the nurse arrived to check how he was, and managed to cover up his wounds. We thank her before she left the infirmary.

After the nurse leaves, we see the guy stirring; he's starting to awake. He opens his eyes and sees the two of us sitting across from him. "Where am I...?" He asked, sitting up.

"You're in the infirmary. You were hurt when you met up with Saizou, he really did a number on you." His eyes widen and looked at his bandaged arms. "The nurse said you'll be okay, but rest would be advisable." Moka tells the guy.

Leonidas jumps away from my shoulder, and floats in front of the guy's face. His face was priceless as his brown eyes widen at my partner.

"Tell me, are you a human?"

Leonidas questions and the guy seemed hesitant to answer. "I-I am... I made a mistake... This was all because of a major mix up.. I just want to go back to the human world.."

I can see tears threatening to fall from his eyes and they did. I took a tissue to wipe his tears away. I see his cheeks tainted with the color of red, but I paid no mind to it. "I'm on the same boat as you, I'm also a human. You can run away if you want, but you should really give this school a try. Besides, Leonidas and I kicked Saizou's butt for you."

I gave a triumph smirk, Leonidas turns to face me. "Like you did anything! I got the job done!" We began to argue like the partners we are.

Moka and the guy were smiling as Leonidas and I bickered at one another. "So what's your name?" Moka asks the human boy, he answers,

"My name is Tsukune Aono."

[~3rd POV~]

You seem to be distracted. I suppose it's (Y/N) that's on your mind.

The Outer Moka blushes before shaking her head, denying the fact that she was thinking about the human girl.

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