The Russian President is captured

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Weaver's pov
1 and a half months after war breaks out
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
     I sat quietly at the table with Sandman, Frost, Truck and Marius, they were talking about the last mission "So how'd he die?" Marius replied "he walked into the cave the masks were hiding in and apparently one of them had a vest. They blew up and he caught some shrapnel, PJs picked him up and he died on the way back to the base" Frost sighed "so rainbow loses another, I don't think you guys should be here. You're just losing operators" Marius replied "Well we're here and I don't plan on going anywhere, Twitch might be willing to leave. She's been pretty messed up since she realized what she did" I looked up from my cards for a moment as Sandman asked "Voodoo, you talked to her right?" I shook my hand side to side as he replied "give her a chance to explain herself, it might clear things up" Frost snapped "Yeah like what? "I'm sorry I destroyed something sacred to you"? Is that what she's supposed to say? What about the fact she didn't give him a chance to explain himself? Are we just gonna forget that?" Truck sighed before replying "Frost no one's saying forget. We're just saying maybe it'd be worth hearing why, I mean Christ the guys been silent since that mission. It's not normal" I looked up again as Frost all but yelled "Thats what happens when someone you love destroys something you love!" Everyone froze as Twitch was heard behind us "what do you mean someone you love? What wasn't I told?" he spun his voice dripping with so much venom I almost recoiled as he hissed out "oh the queen bitch, the destroyer herself finally fucking joins us" sandman spoke in a firm annoyed tone "Frost! Enough!" He slammed himself down and I saw his knuckles were white, I was quietly playing with my cards until she sat next to me "Weaver, what didn't you tell me?" I stood, put my cards in their packaging and then turned and walked off heading towards our barracks. I sat on my cot and reread the letter Zara left in case she died, I heard the barracks door open but paid it no mind as I read the faded ink on the paper that had grown worn and crumpled. I heard Emma "Weaver... please, just talk to me" I looked up at her and saw the pleading, I silently sighed and motioned her to go on, she took a deep breath before speaking "I'm sorry I ripped up that picture, I was so mad that you put yourself in danger. I didn't think about why you were trying to show me it or anything, I know saying sorry isn't going to change the fact that you hate me but it's tearing me up knowing I caused that much pain for you. Will you please just talk to me? Just tell me what I need to do to get my bestfriend back" I felt my throat scratch as I spoke "why should I even give you another chance? You never gave me one, you never even let me try to defend myself." She looked down "I know, I know, I don't have a right to ask for your forgiveness. I know I was unfair and it's tearing me up, I miss you, I miss your corny jokes. I want my friend back, just tell me what I need to do please" I looked down "I don't know, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't missed you but I don't know if I want to run the risk of having more stuff getting destroyed and dealing with more pain" she rubbed her arm her voice holding immense pain "I'd never of destroyed it if I knew what it was" I sighed "alright, you've got your chance" she looked up hopefully "really? Like this isn't a sick joke?" I shook my head no "no it isn't a joke, you've got your chance" she smiled faintly "Hey can you tell me what Frost was talking about when he said "Someone you love"? Did I miss something or was I just not told?" I looked down and I rubbed the back of my neck "yeah, umm, I uh, I love you and it really fucked me up to have someone I care about immensely destroy something so precious to me" she recoiled "so all the flirting, it wasn't joking around? You actually meant it, why?" I sighed "because of who you are, you're excitable, gorgeous, you're nerdy and badass and I liked it." Her smile faltered "I'm sorry I just don't feel the same way right now" I leaned back staring at the barracks ceiling "don't worry about it, I knew you didn't. I can't say I blame you, i wasn't gonna tell you but it seems Frost had different plans" she seemed to want to say something as I stood "I'll see you next mission" before I stood and walked away, leaving her in the barracks with words unspoken, walking silently towards the forest. I walked through the door seeing the forest path cutting through the dense forest, I smiled to myself as I started down the path until I felt like I was being followed causing me to disappear off the path and quickly climb up the tree drawing my pistol and waiting for whoever followed me to show themselves. I sat perfectly still waiting for someone to show themselves relaxing half an hour later keeping on the tree branch just enjoying the peace and quiet as I disappeared into the woods "guess I'm just paranoid", an hour later, I saw flashlights and heard my name being called. I sighed quietly as my peace was shattered and I dropped to the forest floor below walking towards the light seeing Emma and Sandman, I emerged from the trees in front of them Sandman spoke "come on, we've got a mission" I nodded and fell in behind them as they turned and headed back to the base. I looked down and noticed a small snake next to my foot, I crouched and gently scooped it up a cute little garter snake

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