Dancing with Lenny Kravitz

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Leilani was in her dance class and she was watching everybody dance around. The teacher walked in and closed the door behind him. Patrick Breeding was the dance teacher.

Patrick: Okay, everybody, settle down, settle down, and cut the music off.

A student cut the music off on the radio and everybody sat down at their tables.

Patrick: Now, since, you guys like to dance, and since, this is a dance class, I've got some people that I would like you guys to meet, come in.

Lenny Kravitz, Carlos Santana, Wyclef Jean, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, and The Product G&B walked into the classroom and closed the door behind them.

Patrick: Everybody, this is Lenny Kravitz, Carlos Santana, Wyclef Jean, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, and David "Sincere" McRae and Marvin "Money Harm" Moore-Hough of The Product G&B, they're here to perform for you guys, and to teach you guys some dance moves, so, who goes first..., ah, Leilani Donzitas, why don't you show everybody how to dance to somethin' Hispanic-like?

Everybody looked at Leilani and she put her notebook down.

Leilani: I can't dance.

Patrick folded his arms.

Patrick: Is that an excuse or is it because you don't wanna dance?

Leilani: Both.

Patrick: Well, I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice.

Lenny put his guitar down and walked towards her. He held out his hand and she looked at his hand, and then, at him.

Lenny: Would you like to dance?

She grabbed his hand and Maria Maria by Santana featuring Wyclef Jean and The Product G&B started playing. Lenny and Leilani got in the middle of the floor and Leilani looked down at her feet.

Lenny: One thing you should remember about dancin'.

Leilani: What?

Lenny: Never look down at your feet, look into your dance partner's eyes, and dance with your heart, are you ready?

Leilani let out a deep breath and sighed softly.

Leilani: Yeah.

They started dancing to the beat. He had his hand on her back and he was holding her left hand. She was holding his right hand and her hand was on his left shoulder.

Lenny: You're a mermaid performer?

Leilani: Yeah, how did you know?

Lenny: Me, my daughter, Zoe Kravitz, and my ex-wife, Lisa Bonet, always went to your shows just to see you, I want you to meet'em someday.

Leilani: Okay, cool.

Lenny: I'm so sorry about your parents, I heard about what happened to'em.

Leilani: It's okay.

Lenny: You don't have to talk about'em, if you don't want to.

Leilani: Thank you.

Lenny: Break free.

She let go of his hands and started belly dancing away from him. He danced towards her and got behind her. She put her hands and arms above her Egyptian-style while belly dancing and he moved his hands up her stomach to her hands. She closed her eyes and opened them. She turned around and put her hands on his face while dancing slowly against each other. They put their hand on each other's shoulder and moved around a little bit.

She belly danced backwards away from him and he walked towards her. He grabbed her hand and twirled her around. He dipped her and pulled her back up. She belly danced against him and got in front of her. He pulled her even closer to him and she half-smiled. He put her back against him and made her wrap her arms around herself. He wrapped his arms around her and put his mouth against her left ear while her eyes were closed. That was the end of their dance and everybody clapped and cheered. Leilani and Lenny hugged each other and he kissed her head.

Patrick: Excellent job, you guys, brilliant, now, the rest of you, please, do the same thing, bring out your inner self, your inner being, and remember, no twerkin', and no grindin', let's get started.

Everybody started doing what he was saying.

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