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After saying grace, everybody started eating except Jeremy and Leilani. They were moving their food around their plates and Galina cleared her throat.

Galina: So, how's the food?

Jeremy: It's okay, we guess.

Roman: Jeremy, we're a family, now, all five of us, you've gotta understand that your parents put us in charge of you guys, now.

Jeremy (half-laughed): Yeah, right.

Leilani (whispering): Jeremy, don't.

Roman: That's right, Jeremy, don't, look, we want you guys to have the same life that you guys had once before, you know, you still doin' your martial arts, and kung fu thing, and Leilani doin' her mermaid performance thing, you're gonna be doin' the same thing, but just with different people.

Galina: We want you guys to start a new life with us by goin' to a new school, makin' new friends, it's what your parents would want.

Jeremy: Our new life starts with our aunt and uncle not with you guys.

Roman: Well, that's too bad, Jeremy, they didn't claim to adopt you guys, until, your parents died.

Jeremy: I don't have time for this bullshit.

Galina (firmly): Watch your language, we do not cuss in this house, we do not talk back to our elders, which means, no backsassin' us, you will come home right after school or right after your job, and you will eat dinner with us, we eat dinner as a family, we spend family time together, you go by our rules because this is our house, and you live with us, do I make myself clear?

Jeremy (with a daring look): Crystal.

Galina: Good, you guys have eaten all day nor slept all day, so, we suggest that you guys eat somethin' before you go to bed, Leilani, you, too.

Leilani: I'm not that hungry, can I save it for later?

Galina: Of course, you can, Jeremy, are you gonna save yours for later, too?

Jeremy: Yes.

Leilani: Can we not talk about our parents, it doesn't feel right to us, now, that they're gone.

Roman: Sure, I mean, you guys are grievin', and you're havin' a rough time, we understand.

Joelle: Leilani, what's that mark that's in between your boobs?

Leilani zipped up her jacket quick-like before Roman and Galina could look at the large cross mark that she got in between her boobs from an exorcism.

Leilani: Nothin', it's a birthmark.

Joelle: Oh, I didn't know that birthmarks could get so huge.

Leilani: Well, they can.

Roman: Jeremy, Leilani, Galina is a doctor, so, if anything happens to you, she knows what to do, she's got her doctorate degree in every area that deals with doctors, and on top of that, she's a nurse, too.

Jeremy: So, what're you sayin', that if we get badly injured, we won't go to the hospital, she'll just fix us up here at the house?

Roman: Yes, that's what I'm sayin'.

Jeremy: Screw this, I'm outta here.

He got up from the table with his plate in his hand and walked away.

Leilani: I should be goin', too, goodnight, JoJo.

She got up from the table with her plate in her hand and left the table. Leilani and Jeremy went outside and upstairs to Leilani's room. Jeremy was helping Leilani put her stuff up.

Jeremy: I don't like this place, Lei.

Leilani: Me, neither, JayJay, there's somethin' wrong with these people, I mean, JoJo is cool, but Roman and Galina, I don't think so.

Jeremy: Have you had any visions or premonitions, ever since, we got here?

Leilani: No, blind instincts.

Jeremy: I'm gonna sleep up here with you, tonight, cuz, I don't trust Roman at all.

Leilani: Okay, I think that would be a great idea.

Jeremy grabbed a pair of his clothes from his room and they took showers in Leilani's bathroom. They went to sleep and Leilani had closed and locked the door. Jeremy slept on the floor and Leilani couldn't sleep. 

Reigns' House: A Roman Reigns ThrillerWhere stories live. Discover now