Episode Nine: Jailbreak

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"Last time, on Total Drama." Footage of Cody being pushed off the zipline by Scott played. "Our campers did another obstacle course." Footage of Shawn moving across the balance beam played. "They washed off their nasty with a nice hot mud bath-" Footage of Harold sliding into the mud pit played. "And searched for balls." Anne Maria holding up a golden ball from the mud rolled. "After that, Noah took a trip down memory lane by playing his favorite game, dodgeball." Footage of Noah being hit in the chest with a dodgeball played. "With the Stars taking the win, Noah and Cameron were the two most voted campers." The screen played Noah and Cameron looking at Chris nervously. "With six votes against him, Cameron was the next to take the red carpet of losers." Footage of Cameron and Zoey hugging played, before the focus was on Chris. "Who will be the next to loser to go home? Will the Stars keep up their winning streak this time? What emotional and physical pain will I put these young adults through next? Find out right here on Total. Drama. Wawanakwa War!"

Theme Song

The scene faded in from black on Lindsay, Noah, Cody and Beth eating breakfast in the messhall.

"Yesterday was shit." Noah mumbled, glaring at the slop for breakfast.

"Oh no, did you break a nail, too?" Lindsay put her hand over her mouth.

"No. No, I didn't break a nail. I almost went home because Dave beat me." He glared at Lindsay.

"But you didn't." Cody pointed out, waving his spoon around.

"But I almost did. I hate this show." Noah put his head on the table.

"I think we should eliminate Jo soon." Beth said quietly, looking around to see if Jo was anywhere near them.

"Jo? She's pretty good, though." Cody said.

"Who's Jo?" Lindsay cocked her head to the side.

"Jo is super bossy, and, if we make it to the merge with her, there's no way we can beat her in challenges. Besides, we still have Lightning and Sky who's just like her, except not bossy."

"Let's just wait, we're not even halfway through the season yet." Noah sat up and rested his face in his palm.

"Fine. But as soon as the merge starts coming, we're voting off Jo." Beth's eyes widened. "Am I being bossy, now, too?"

"So..." Cody paused. "Are the three of us in an alliance now?"

Beth shrugged.

"I guess."

"What? What about me?" Lindsay frowned.

Beth patted her shoulder,

"You can when we make it to the merge."

She glared,

"It's so mean how I'm on a seperate team. I don't even like anybody on my team! They're so mean!"

Beth pulled her best friend into a hug as the camera shifted to the speaker outside of the mess hall.

"Campers! Finish up and meet me at the dock for your challenge today!"

The screen went black for a split second before opening back up on all the contestants standing in front of Chris on the dock.

"Good morning, sunshines!" Chris' eyes widened and he began gagging. "I didn't mean to call you sunshines, it slipped out."

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