Episode Eight: Muddy Balls

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"Last time on Total Drama." The footage of Scott being pushed on his face played. "I had our campers move like an eel for an advantage. Jo ended up winning for the Legends, but not before getting the spit slapped out of her mouth by Eva." Chris chuckled as the screen played Eva slapping Jo. "After that, they had to work individually to get a key," Footage of Zoey grabbing her key out of the water played. "To unlock a box of puzzle pieces." The screen played Leshawna dumping her puzzle peices into the pile. "In the end, the Legends completed their puzzle first. It was down to Scott and Eva. With 4 votes against her, Eva was the 5th person heading home." The camera was now on Chris and his smiling face. "How many challenges can the Stars possible lose! Will the Legends keep up their winning streak? Find out right here, right now, on Total. Drama. Wawanakwa War!"

Theme Song

The scene faded in from black on a shot of Jo and Lightning out on a run.

"Our team is lucky to have us." Jo said to Lightning, her breath heavy from running.

"Sha-greed!" He exclaimed, pumping his fists in the air.

"Uh, speaking of our team, do you like anybody on our team?"

Lightning raised a brow.

"Like? Like a friend?"

"No," Jo shook her head. "More than a friend."

"A best friend? You're my best friend."

Jo playfully punched his bicep,

"No, sha-dumbass. Do you think Sky is pretty?"

"Sky? Sha-yeah. She's real good at gymnastics, I saw her on TV."

"Would you date her?" Jo smirked.

"Maybe. If she asked me to hang, I'd hang with her. Lightnin' don't make the first move."

[Confessional, Lightning]

"Daddy didn't raise no gentleman!"


"Why do you ask? You tryin' to set me up with someone, 'cause Lightnin' is a lone wolf."

Jo shook her head.

"I was just asking because I think you two would be a great couple."

"What do you know about love?" Lightning stopped running and raised a brow.

"I've only dated one guy, and we've been dating for almost four years." Jo said a matter-of-factly. "Remember Brick For Brains?"


Jo rolled her eyes before the camera panned to the speaker outside the mess hall.

"Campers, get breakfast and meet me at the beach for your challenge today! I'd recommend changing into your swimsuits!"

The screen went black for a split second before opening up on the campers in there bathing suits, standing in front of Chris.

"Good morning!" Chris exclaimed.

The camera panned to Zoey wiping tears off her cheeks.

"Aww, homesick?" Chris smiled in amusement.

Zoey nodded,

"I miss Miles."

"Don't care." The host raised his brows. "Welcome to your first challenge! Today you and your team will be running an obstacle course and finding some dodgeballs at the end of the course. You'll have 30 seconds to find your ball before you have to stop. Don't find a ball and you're out of luck. Each team has the same amount of balls as teammates, but only 2 of them are easy to find. Stars, your dodgeballs are yellow. Legends, your dodgeballs are blue."

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