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Each person piled their waffles high with syrup and butter and berries and settled down in a seat. I sat next to Connor on one side, his parents on the other, my dad closest to me on the end, and Zoe closest to Connor on the other end. Our plates were pushed as close to the edges of the table as possible without falling on our laps, the large book taking up a majority of the table space. We picked at our waffles, shuffling through endless pages of old memories. Pictures of us going dog sledding, skiing, eating family dinners at that very table we sat at, girls and boys nights.

We met on particular page, and Cynthia pushed the book to me, Connor, and Zoe, with a wide smile spread across her face.

 One side of the page had girls night the previous year, Cynthia wearing a robe and having a face mask on her face, me and Zoe standing around her, pampering her. Zoe was putting cucumbers on her mothers eyes, and I was bent over while still standing, my T-shirt riding dangerously low in the neckline, as I painted Cynthia's nails. Zoe was wearing a pretty pink silk looking nightgown, meanwhile, it was painfully obvious I was not wearing a bra, seeing no top of a bra or straps as the neckline of my T-shirt left nearly nothing to the imagination about my chest, along with the fact that you could see the point of my nipples through the thin fabric of the shirt. 

The other side of the page was the guys night of the previous year. A picture of the guys sitting on the couch, none wearing shirts, the two dads wearing nothing but their boxers, but luckily Connor was wearing a pair of sweatpants. The sweatpants, though, still left nearly nothing to the imagination. Sweatpants are more of an enhancing thing for guys lower regions. 

Connor shoved the book away from us, nearly knocking his plate to the ground. 

"The fuck, mom?" He nearly shouted, Cynthia's smile fading to a frown.

"What, honey?"

"Look at Y/n's clothes, for fucks sake!" Connor wiped his face with a hand, groaning. "And my pants- God!" Cynthia turned the book so she had a clear look at the books, and her eyes went wide. 

"O-Oh, dear, you're right,"

"You couldn't have fucking checked?" Connor stood from his chair, making his way to the stairs.

"What are you doing, Connor?" Larry called out as he watched his son walk up the stairs. 

"I gotta wash that vision of Y/n out of my brain," As soon as Connor was far enough in the cabin, I spoke.

"Should I be offended?"


After breakfast, I went upstairs to ask Connor to join Zoe and I on a hike. I was about to knock on the door to our room when I heard a groan. Then another. My face flushed, hearing something I definitely shouldn't.

"Oh, shit," I heard Connors breathy voice, and my voice got choked up in my throat. I quietly walked back a bit, and started to make my footsteps purposely loud enough to hear from inside the room, acting like I just arrived and did not hear anything. I knocked on the door firmly, and heard a thump. "F-Fuck," Connor groaned in what I assumed was pain this time.

"Con, I wanted to invite you to go on a hike with me and Zoe,"

"I-Fuck-sure. Ho-Hold on," I heard shuffling of fabric on the other side of the door. 

"Pulling up his pants," I could feel the heat to my cheeks, but ignored it. I felt dirty for hearing and enjoying hearing my friend doing that. I wiped my face as Connor opened the door. 

His face was red, and he looked anywhere except for my face, and I did not blame him one bit. He probably assumed I had heard at least something, and was insanely embarrassed. 

"Great! C'mon, lets get changed into better clothes,"


Connor trudged alongside me and Zoe as we laughed and threw snow on each other, walking on a trail we knew all too well from our annual "Kids Day" walk. Even when Zoe and Connor stopped getting along, I never let them miss out on that day, and they thought they owed me at least that, and could kinda-sorta get along for one day. For my sake.

"I don't know why I agreed to this walk. It's only our third day and you've dragged me out of the house twice now," I had half a mind to say "You said yes because you were nervous from being caught" but I literally bit my tongue to get myself to not say it. He did not need to know that I heard anything. 

"Guys, we should take another trail for a change. Maybe set up camp for the night somewhere," I hummed in thought. looking around for an awkwardly small trail somewhere between the trees as we passed, hoping to find a horse trail or something. 

"Set up camp? It's fucking freezing. we'd get hypothermia or some shit," Connor huffed as I laughed, shaking my backpack on my back. 

"Other than the obvious, what else do you think I have in this bag?" I asked, knowing Connor would think about the weed. Zoe looked puzzled at "Other than the obvious" but said nothing as she thought about what I could have. I held up my bawled up fists, starting to make a list. "A collapsable tent, lighters, snacks, drinks, first aid kit-,"

"We get it, wilderness safety nerd," Connor shoved his large hand on the top of my head, ruffling my hear. 

"Rude," I stuck my tongue out at him, pulling my eye bag down. "So what do you say, text the folks and say we are having a camping night? Set up camp in a cave and set up the tent, make a fire pit?" Zoe shrugged while Connor gave no response. 

"I don't see why not," I smiled brightly, and looked at Connor, who flicked my forehead, smirking.

"If it makes you shut up," I jumped up and down, smiling as I started going down where we came. 

"I most certianly will not," I said mater-of-factly as I walked. "But, we should spend the day out in shops or something, and get more snacks and drinks, and head back here. Hell, find a better place to camp out," I gave Connor a knowing look, silently asking if we should go back to the cave we smoked at, and he nodded.


Was not feeling too good for a few days, so sorry for not updating

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