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I started to shiver, stirring in what I thought was my bed. When I turned, my hip hit a bump and I groaned. My bed was not this hard. My eyes cracked open, being met with dark brown hair all over my face. I was incapable of moving, and soon realized I was trapped in Zoe's embrace just like the first night.

I turned my head to see Connor sitting up, rubbing his head. My head pounded, and my throat felt dry. The taste in my mouth was gross. 

"Connor, a little help?" I asked groggily. His eyes met my tired ones, and he nodded slightly. Zoe's arms were pulled off of me slowly, as to not wake her, and I sat up, stretching. My bones popped satisfyingly, and Connor cringed at the sound. "How long have you been awake?"

"About fifteen minutes," Connor searched in the mess of blankets for a moment before pulling a granola bar out of a pile. "Breakfast," He said simply.  I took it, savoring the taste, and loving that it got the gross morning breath taste out of my mouth. 

"Sleep well?" He lifted one of his hands, doing a so-and-so motion. "I slept bad. Whether it be because of Zoe glomping me, or the hangover, I don't know,"

"How much do you remember of last night?"  

"Most of it, I think," I hummed , rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Uh, about when that Queen movie ended,"I grabbed a water bottle from the corner of the tent. "Is that about when we went to sleep?" Connor pointed at Zoe. 

"About when she did. You and I watched BeetleJuice," I nodded dully, but noticed something was off about Connor.

"You good?" I pointed the bottle at him.

"Good enough, lets wake her and get going," Deciding to not get into it, I agreed and shook his sister awake. She groaned, but sat up and drank water soon after, complaining of a headache.

Slowly, the three of us packed up the tent and blankets and everything else, putting them in the car and kicking away the burnt wood from the fire the previous night. Deciding Connor was most fit to drive, he hopped in the drivers seat of the car as we drove off. I plugged my phone in, playing Lofi, since it was chill and quiet enough to not make our headaches grow. 

No one was at the cabin when we got there. It was about two after all. They probably decided to go do something and leave us to fend for ourselves, since Connor was eighteen and Zoe and I were seventeen. It was not unknown for them to leave us at the cabin alone when we were twelve, either, though. Parents of the year, I know. 

Anyway, Zoe climbed back into bed the second she got the chance, taking up nearly the whole thing by herself. Connor sat by the PlayStation, starting up youtube and playing songs about getting high.

"Is this a sign to get out the supply?" I asked as I plopped down next to him. He shrugged his shoulders, leaning back on his hands as he closed his eyes. 

"Just have some shit to think about," He replied, swinging his feet to the beat of the song. I arched a brow and laid down on the carpet.

"Like what?" There was a beat of silence. 

"You sorta came onto me last night, when you were drunk," My eyes shot open, and I sat up to look at Connor to see if he was fucking with me. 

"Shit, I'm sorry. You told me not to do that, and I did it anyway," After a second of thought, he shrugged his shoulders. 

"You were pretty fucked, it's fine. No harm done," I sighed, relieved.

"You're pretty calm about this,"

"What, expected me to blow a fuse and snap at you?" I lifted my hands in defense.

"No, no. Not what I meant. Just, most people would read into it, you know? A drunk mans actions is a sober mans thoughts,"

"You're not exactly a man, in case you haven't noticed," I shoulder checked him.

"Fuck you," Connor rolled his eyes. "What should we do today, anyway?"

"Give me a break, Jesus. Let's just chill here all day," I groaned, but stayed silent as he started watching other things, like Good Mythical Morning, or Five Nights At Freddy's playthroughs.


I was going to make another Connor X Reader that actually took place during the musical, but I don't know if I will continue it. I have become interested in something else, an anime that I recently picked up despite how old it is... The fandom is like dead rip.

Anyway, I might be starting a book on that anime instead. I'm not sure yet. I'll start it, but who knows how far I will get before I might abandon it. Hopefully this does not end up like my Quotev, which is stocked full of unfinished fanfictions.

I might come back to the unfinished Connor X Reader at some point

The book I'm gonna try to work on now will be an L X Reader (DeathNote) if anyone cares and wants to look out for it

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