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"Hi, Kevin I'm just here visiting family, and what are you doing here in the park? With a guy? Angelina asked.

"Shut up Angelina I know you, and you can't trick me out of this! Kevin replied harshly.

"Fine I'll admit it, I'm saving you from being gay because you shouldn't its so wrong, especially with a bad boy, and I mean a very bad boy! Angelina said in a very hurtful way that she hurt my feelings.

But the weird part is I never had my feelings hurt like ever because I'm a bad boy. And I act tough, then a flashback came to me when I beated up this one guy, and that guy was Patrick. But as I was punching Patrick I was crying a little bit and this is why I became a harsh & mean bad boy is because Claire broke my heart💔.

She captured my heart when I first meet her, then she played with it and then broke it that it sunk into the bottom of the ocean. Then after she broke my heart I never told you people this because I hide it from everyone. But after she broke me I joined a gang a week after, when really I should've gone to Trenton or someone for help.

Because a month after joining that gang I was arrested for marijuana, and my gang put me under pressure for that. I was supposed to be in prison for a year maybe two years, but I was bailed out by Trenton & he payed my charge, I was only in there

My parents may not of cared about me and kicked me out, but my cousin Trenton really cared for me. Then after my bail and I went home Trenton said "next time come to me when your heart is broken do not go to a gang, or become a serial killer or anything else".

That showed Trenton really loved & cared for me.

"You take that back Angelina, my friend Rowan here is more than a bad boy, you just don't know what he's been through" Kevin shot back to Angelina.

"Oh really you know everything about Rowan here? Angelina asked sarcastically.

"Well..... Kevin looked at me while his hand was rubbing the back of his neck, then turned back to Angelina and said "mostly everything but not completely everything".

"So do you know he has a ex named Claire and why they broke up? Angelina asked.

"Ah ha so it was Claire that brought you here isn't that right? I said

Then Kevin gasped then looked back at Angelina and said "well did she?!

"Yes she did, and she told me everything about Rowan that I can tell you" Angelina replied.

"I'm not interested let's go" Kevin said grabbing my arm to walk away.

"Did you know Rowan was arrested one time? Angelina said.

And that crossed the line because a grown up woman probably heard because she looked at me like she was annoyed about something about me.

"Yeah" Angelina said then told Kevin everything. After she finished Kevin turned his head over at me with shock.

I started to run away.....

Then I heard Kevin say "Rowan wait! And I heard him say to Angelina "how dare you b**ch".

Kevin ran after me but I didn't stop running until I got home, but Kevin didn't either that he was at my house again.

"Rowan wait" Kevin said before I turned my front door all the way. I didn't look at him but I said "I bet you want to stay away from me now".

"What Rowan no, to be honest it was Angelina and Claire's fault that was private, your privacy" Kevin replied.

"Well maybe you should stay away from me I'm guessing you are mad I didn't tell you and don't want to get mixed up with me" I said.

"What Rowan no look, you didn't have to tell me if you didn't want to, I understand you would want something like that a secret.
Because it probably brought shame for you and your family, and I don't care if I am friends with you even if I do get mixed up.

But so far your the only one nice to me in school everyone at school is cold and mean and spoiled. But you being in a gang and arrested that was all in the past so it doesn't really matter anymore" Kevin said.

Then Kevin said "don't worry about it, I'm here, but we should stick close it seems like Claire de lune is up to no good, since she got Angelina here who knows what's next".

I giggled when he said Claire de lune, but agreed to what he said. We should stick closer together, because who knows what Angelina and Claire will do next so we gotta be prepared for any outcomes.

Then the next thing I knew Kevin's arms were around me with a squeeze. But now I wonder is he a good kisser? Ah geez why am I thinking that?!?!

"Just promise to not leave me" Kevin requested.

I looked at him and could tell he really means it then answered "of course". Then he was happy.

"Well I got to go so see you later" Kevin said walking away with his camera.

"Yeah see ya" I said then walked in the house then little did I know Trenton was right in front of me.

"He seems like a good friend who is he? Trenton asked

"Kevin" I answered

"He seems nice and you two look cuter together" he said

"What?!?! I gasped

"I mean as friends" Trenton said with a laugh.

"Ah ok" I sighed in relief.

Kevin's place......
(Kevin's mind)
I wonder if Rowan's ok since now I know his privacy? I feel bad for him, he's not a bad boy or a criminal really he is just a depressed teen with with broken heart that needs to be stitched back together. This maybe weird since I basically just meet him but I think I like him more then a friend. I can't stop looking at the pictures of him that I've taken what has he done to me? Rowan......

To be continued.....

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