When His Voice is Heard

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After class the next day I was walking to my locker when he tripped me, and when I say he, I mean the bully in our school, Mike.

"Hahaha! You deserve that animal-freak!" Mike said mockingly.

Ratchet ran over to me,"Are you ok?" he asked, worried.

"Owww!" I said, I got up and felt blood on my face, so I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my nose was bleeding!!!

That had apparently done it for Ratchet, he looked up and gave Mike the scariest look ever, but instead of Mike running away, he said,"What are YOU gonna do about it, punk!!!"

Well, I'll tell you what he did about it, he ran right up to him and punched him in the stomach, sending Mike sliding down the hall and into one of the lockers. Everyone was shocked to see that happen.

When my nose stopped bleeding, I ran out to see what was happening. Then I saw Ratchet walk up to Mike and pull him out of the locker to say,"Don't ever mess with Stacy again or this WILL be a repeat" I've never felt happier in my whole life.

I ran up to Ratchet when he turned around and hugged him and said,"Thank you" I felt that warmth again as I hugged him and felt safe and I felt loved as he hugged me back tightly.
After lunch Ratchet and I walked down the hall to get to our next class.....math. In math class we had Mr. Brown, thank God I only had three more classes after this.

I was on my way home when I saw this old man sitting on the side of the road asking for money. I pulled a five dollar bill out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"Thank you little lady" he said in a creaky voice.

"Oh, it's no problem, really." I told him.

"You will be of great use, young one." he said.

"Oh...um...okay" I said, a little creeped out. I turned away and ran as fast as I could to my house.

"What took you so long" asked my little brother, his name is Mark.

"I.....um....n-needed to get some more books" I stuttered. I wasn't going to tell him what happened with the old man, I was still creeped out about it.

Well how was that chapter, was it good? I sure hope it was, please answer me in the comments.

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