Chapter Twenty-Two: My Sort of Secret Road Trip

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Chapter Twenty-Two: My Sort of Secret Road Trip

Right at six, my clock started to blare an obnoxious beeping noise. However, I didn't want to move and leave the comfort of my nice warm bed. I hit the snooze button and turned over. I snuggled back under my covers and fell back to sleep for half an hour.

I decided to skip school and packed my bag with three cameras and my sketchbook. I then went into my parents room and found my car keys they hid from me. I walked into the garage and pulled the sheet off of my cherry red mustang. I opened the door and settled into the driver's seat. God I had missed my car.

I smiled as I turned the key in the ignition and pulled out into the street. I was going to drive over to Auric's house but then I decided against it. I realized that I needed to do something on my own. So with no destination in mind I took to the highway.

I popped in one of the many CDs I had burned when I was fourteen and rolled down all the windows. I was tapping my finger along to the beat of the song I was listening to when my phone started to ring. I checked the caller ID and saw that it was my mom. I swear she had a sixth sense about when I was in any car.

I threw my phone into the backseat and continued on my journey. I felt free for once as I felt the air blowing my hair in all different directions. I could feel a huge smile creep across my face. For once I wasn't worried about anything and it felt amazing.

Eventually, I found myself at an abandoned park. I took out my Leica M6 and started to photograph everything. For some reason, the broken down swings with ivy starting to grow around it was what intrigued me the most. I also sketched the scenery a bit before getting back in my car.

Continuing on with my journey, I went to a beach. I got some ice cream and walked along the shore eating it. There weren't too many people since it technically was winter. However, it was a pretty warm day and I was always in the mood for ice cream.

After finishing my ice cream, I sat down on the warm sand. I buried my feet and just stared out at the ocean watching the birds fly by. My phone started to ring just as I was beginning to drift off to sleep.

I dug it out of my bag and saw that it was Auric calling. I debated on whether or not to pick it up. Eventually my heart won out and I answered. “Hello?” I answered.

“Why the hell am I being questioned by the police about your disappearance?” he asked clearly confused.

“Um, what are you talking about?”

“Well, apparently your parents came home today and found you missing. They then called me to come over and the police started questioning me since we're dating and all.” I could hear the anger laced in his tone.

I bit my thumb contemplating about how much to actually tell him. I knew he would relay it to the police who would in turn tell my parents. Auric noticed my long silence and sighed. “Look, I'm just upset that you didn't tell me where you were going. Could you please tell me where you are so that I could come along?”

“...I'm sorry Auric but I don't actually know where exactly I am.” I replied trying to play dumb.

“I can hear the ocean you know.” he said clearly annoyed by my secretiveness.

“Look, just tell everyone I'm okay and I'll be back eventually. I'm trying to find something important to me. I'll text you soon. Bye.” I replied and hung up.

I stood up and wiped the sand off of my pants. I grabbed my shoes and dashed back to my car. I knew Auric was going to come look for me and I had to get as far away from this beach as possible.

I hadn't exactly lied to Auric about searching for something important. I didn't know exactly what I was trying find yet, but I knew that I needed to do this and Auric couldn't be here.

Once I was on the road again I stopped at a Walmart. I bought a duffel bag, some clothes, and of course food. I threw my purchases into the backseat and continued on.

Eventually, I found a motel to stay at overnight. When I opened the door to my room, I collapsed on the bed exhausted. I sighed and got up to change into some pajamas. Once I was done changing, I climbed into the bed and turned on the TV. I absentmindedly started to rub my stomach. I didn't have a baby bump yet since I wasn't too far along yet but I had gained a couple of pounds. “Are you liking the road trip so far baby?” I asked my stomach. I felt a bit ridiculous talking to my stomach but I continued anyway.

“I'm sorry your daddy couldn't come with us. I promise that next time he'll be here for sure. Besides, I'm positive he's going to find us eventually. He probably knows where I'm going despite the fact that I still don't know where we're going. That's just one of the many things I love about him.” I said with a small smile on my face.

“Goodnight baby.” I said to my stomach before snuggling into the blankets and drifting off to sleep.


I woke up to my phone buzzing off the hook. I cracked my eyes open and saw it was Auric. “Hello?” I answered groggily.

“What fucking room are you in?” he asked nearly shouting at me.

I sat up alarmed. Had he found me already? I walked to my window and stealthily checked the parking lot for his car. I found it on the other side of the lot and saw him standing by the check in office. “Um, you're breaking up. I'm sorry I can't hear you.” I said crinkling a piece of paper by the mouth piece before hanging up.

I packed up all of my stuff and threw my duffel bag out of the window in the bathroom. I then walked over to the phone in my room and dialed the number for the office. I told the guy to tell Auric what room I was staying in and then I hung up and walked back into the bathroom.

I locked the door and turned on the shower. I stood on the toilet and angled myself so that I could easily climb out of the window. I heard Auric come into the room and then bang on the bathroom door. “Hey!” I called starting to climb out the window.

“Come out here right now!” he yelled banging on the door.

“I'm taking a shower right now thank you!” I called back dropping out the window.

Once my feet touched the ground I quickly grabbed my duffel bag and ran to my car. I started my car and peeled out of the lot quickly merging into the morning traffic on the highway. I felt really bad for doing that to Auric but I couldn't stop my road trip just yet. I still had a ways to go and I wasn't going to let him get me yet.


A/N: Finally an update!!! Sorry it took me so long but honestly this chapter had me puzzled and it took me three tries to actually produce this. Originally, it was just going to be a lazy day for Auric and Isolde but I couldn't think of anything to write so finally I came up with this! However, I am sad to say that this story is almost over D: just a few more chapters and then an epilogue. I'm sad to say that it's almost finished since I've been writing this for over a year and it's been so much fun. Unfortunately, there isn't going to be a sequel because Auric and Isolde's story will be wrapped up in the epilogue sorry to say. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and comment,vote, and follow if you want...byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^_^ (Oh also the song has nothing to do with this chapter but I decided to add a fun song to a pretty fun and carefree chapter)

The Silent Photographer and the Emo Boy (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang