Chapter Sixteen: More Promises Between Us

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Chapter Sixteen: More Promises Between Us

I opened the front door of Auric's house and it was quiet. The silence made me nervous. “Auric?” I quietly called. My voice rang throughout the house but I didn't receive an answer. Instead of rushing up the stairs to Auric's room, I walked ever so slowly. I was terrified of what I would find, so I tried to prolong my trip up the stairs.

Unfortunately, I could only stall for so long and I reached the door all to soon. I put my hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly. When I poked my head into his room though, it was empty. I was getting frantic at this point and I practically hurled myself down the hallway to the bathroom. Once I was at the door I hesitated. I mean, what if nothing was wrong and I was just being paranoid. Then, I thought about what he said earlier that morning and I turned the doorknob. However, I realized the door was locked. “Auric?” I called and received silence as an answer.

“Auric, open this goddamn door!” I nearly shouted as I banged my palms against the door.

“Isolde? I can' can't...just no, I'm not opening the door.” he replied, his voice muffled by the door separating us.




“Please don't make me open the door.” he said quietly and then stopped talking.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. I needed to find a way into that bathroom. I quickly searched the house for a key to the door but came up empty-handed.

I was standing in the middle of his living room trying to think of a way in. I didn't know how to lock pick and I definitely wasn't strong enough to break the door down. However, I did see a screwdriver in the garage. I ran to get it and then rushed back to the bathroom door. I unscrewed the doorknob and then unlocked the door and made my way into the bathroom. I found Auric curled up on the ground and I dropped to my knees in front of him. “Auric?” I asked as I tapped his shoulder.

“Please let me do it.” he replied.

“Do what exactly? I'm not understanding.”

“Tell me you hate me. Say you could never love me. Say them now and promise that you'll leave and never come back. Promise me that you won't care what happens after you leave.”

“Auric-” I started to say but he cut me off.

“Please!” he yelled keeping his head turned away from me.

“Fine, I'll say what you want me to. Auric, I hate you and I could never love you. I won't care what happens to you here after I leave and I'll never come back.” I said coolly and stood up.

“Good, now leave.” Auric whispered with tears in his voice.

“I wasn't done. I hate you for telling me to put you through this pain. I hate you for not telling me why you're doing this. I could never love you because you are too perfect for me. I don't deserve you and I shouldn't fall in love with your perfection. I won't care what happens to you after I leave because I truly believe that I can talk you out of whatever you're trying to do. And I'll never come back because I believe that you deserve your privacy.” I finished and I just stood there waiting for him to do something.

“I'm not perfect.” he said after what felt like an eternity.

“I know, I just said that you were too perfect for me.” I replied and sat down next to him. He finally turned his head and looked me straight in the eyes. “Promise me something.” he said.

“Okay, what?”

“Hold onto this for me.” he replied as he reached a shaky hand out to me.

I grabbed onto his hand and he pulled me into him. He whispered for me not to question why as he pressed something cold, metallic, and heavy into my hands. When he pulled away from me he stared at the tiled floor of the bathroom and I looked at what he put in my hands. It was a gun. In that moment I understood why he had told me to say all of those things, why he wanted me to kill him with my words and never look back. We were the same in a sense.

I felt tears slip from my eyes as I looked between Auric and the gun in my hands. I gently put the gun on the floor and I looked at Auric until he lifted his eyes to look at me. When he noticed me crying, he sighed and pulled me into him. Neither one of us said anything, we just sat on the floor and held each other.


“Auric?” Isabelle called when she arrived at the house.

When she didn't receive an answer, she walked up the stairs and stopped in the doorway of bathroom. When she saw Auric's battered face she gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh my God, what happened?!” she exclaimed dropping to her knees next to Auric and I.

“...Nothing, it's fine.” he said shortly turning his head away from his mother.

“Auric.” I said quietly not caring if his mother heard me or not.

“It's fine.” he said enunciating each word as he squeezed my hand.

“No it's not...was it-” Isabelle was cut off by Auric slamming his fist into the cabinets behind him.

“Don't you dare say his fucking name!” Auric shouted.

After Auric's outburst, his mother quietly left us in the bathroom. However, I noticed the somber look she had on her face as she left. I could tell that Auric saw it too, because he looked down at the floor with a pained expression on his face as she left. At this point, I had no idea what to do so I just continued sitting there holding Auric's hand.

After a while, Auric laid his head on my shoulder. He squeezed my hand and then he started speak. “Let's get married.” he stated.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Well we're already engaged, so why not?”

“Because we're not eighteen so we still have to get parental consent...although my parents have already signed a paper since they want me to get married soon, but what about you?”

“I think I could get my mom's permission.”

“Okay, are you sure you want to get married?”

“Yeah, I love you Isolde and you've saved much more than you know.” he said whispering the last part.

I wasn't exactly sure what he meant, but I did know that he meant every word he said. I was also pretty sure that I loved him too, so I went back to my house and found the papers my parents had signed as Auric talked his mom into the idea. I couldn't believe I was going to get married.


A/N: I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but I really didn't want to put their wedding into this chapter so I cut it short. I'm sorry. But yeah, they're getting married although it was a very rash decision but whatever. And, no this is not the end I still have a few chapters left for this story plus an epilogue so yeah. Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want...byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^_^

The Silent Photographer and the Emo Boy (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin