Chapter Six: Why Can't I Find a Rainbow Anymore

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Chapter Six: Why Can't I Find a Rainbow Anymore

I was staring out the window of my English class as rain continued to fall pattering softly on the window. I sighed and turned back to the lesson on similes. Why we were going over that I don't know but we were so I zoned out again. I started to doodle on my notebook paper and out came a very depressing scene, so I quickly shut my notebook and threw it into my bag. The bell finally rang and I bolted out of the stifling class. Before I could reach my locker though, someone grabbed me by the sides which made me yelp and wince in pain. “Sorry, how are you?” Auric asked looking at a wall.

I sighed and grabbed his hand tugging him towards my locker. I threw my English textbook in and grabbed my lunch throwing one of the sandwiches at Auric. He caught it and we walked up to the roof. I took my camera out of my bag and started to snap a few pictures of the rain from the safety of the doorway. I sighed again and Auric raised an eyebrow. I grabbed a piece of paper and started to write. 'I can't find a rainbow.'

“Well, it's kind of raining.”

'I know that, but after it stops I can never find a rainbow...where have they all gone?' I asked him and he shrugged.

'You're no help.' I replied with a glare.

He just laughed and finished off his sandwich and grabbed the last of mine in the process. Maybe I should start making more food for Mr. I'm Always Hungry. I narrowed my eyes at him and he just shrugged gulping down the last of my sandwich. I smacked his chest and let my hand rest there for a moment longer than needed.

I turned my head back towards the rain and watched it fall. It was raining that night too. After it was over I walked home in the rain carrying my red high heels. I was crying and my mascara was running. I remember my salty tears mingling with the fresh rain. I also tripped and ruined the dress I was wearing.

I had finally gotten home and closed the front door. I slid down the door and rested on the ground. I was soaking wet and had probably gotten pneumonia but I didn't care. I wanted to be sick so that I couldn't see him. In fact, I wanted to die so that I wouldn't have to face him again.

I sighed and felt like skipping the remainder of school, so with me being me, I sat in the bathroom until school was over. It's not like I was missed anyway.


I was laying on my bed watching the lightning light up the night sky. I had my earbuds in because I couldn't stand the sound of thunder. I was sketching in my sketchbook when I noticed a movement outside my window. I opened it to find a very soaked Auric. “Hey.” he said climbing into my bedroom. I waved and grabbed a towel from underneath the sink in my bathroom. I made him sit on the floor and I dried his hair. “You know, I could do that myself you know.” he said and I shrugged. I always was a motherly figure.

After I had finished drying his hair, I sat down across from him and stared. He stared right back, and before I knew it we were inches apart. I could feel his shallow breaths tickle my face. For some reason, I started to blush and he let out a small chuckle. I pulled back with a huff and pouted. “I'm sorry, but you're just so cute when you blush.” he said with a small smile on his face.

I was left utterly speechless, er well, wordless I guess. Either way, I felt even more heat rise to my face and in a matter of seconds I was a tomato. A deep ripe red tomato. I quickly grabbed a pillow and shoved my face into it so he wouldn't see how much I was blushing. Sometimes I really hated Auric. “Uh, can you tell me why your face has morphed into a pillow?” he questioned once he noticed I was hiding my face.

I made a sound between a grunt and a rabid squirrel trying to eat you as a response. He sighed and wrenched the pillow away. I scrambled around looking for something to hide behind, when I heard a soft click. My head turned sharply to the noise, and there sat Auric holding one of my many cameras. He had just taken a picture of me and I was still a fucking tomato. I hid my face with my hands and I heard him chuckle. “Aw come on, it was cute.” he said grabbing me by the waist and pulling me over to him. He set me down on his lap and pulled my hands away from my face and he took another picture, only this time we were both in it. “See, now that wasn't so bad.” he said with a grin and put my camera back on its shelf.

I sighed and sprawled myself out on the floor. I threw my arm over my face and I felt Auric sit down beside me. “So, you really want to find a rainbow don't you?” he asked. I shrugged in response and sat up bringing my knees to my chest. It's not like I needed to see one to live or anything, I just really like them. “Well, you do realize that there's one right now right?” he asked and I quickly jumped up grabbed a camera and ran to my window.

Sure enough, there was a rainbow at night. Was that even possible? I didn't really care though, I opened my window and leaned out as far as possible. I snapped about a dozen photos of it and came back in. I turned around and beamed at Auric. I swear, this guy is a good luck charm. No, he was a magical vampire. I grabbed a notebook and a pencil and wrote that down.

He read it and burst out laughing. “I thought I already told you that I'm not a vampire. You already threw garlic at me.” he teased. I smacked him upside the head with my notebook and collapsed onto my bed. He moved me over and laid down next to me. I didn't really mind though, and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.


A/N: I don't really have anything other to say except that I'm really tired and this is kind of a filler chapter. Well, I'm going to sleep so vote, comment, and follow and goodnight ^_^

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