Interesting Forks

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Frank was gonna tell him.

H placed his hand on Gerard's room's door knob, feeling the cold metal against his palm. H steadied hinself and took in a deep breath before opening the door, stepping through.


Gerard was sitting on his bed, talking to Ray. "Hi Frank," he grinned.

Ray raised a hand and waved slightly. "Hi."

Frank's grip on the door relaxed slightly. "Um..I just wanted to...I'll leave you two together..."

Gerard jumped up, the bed springs squeaking loudly. "Frank. Stay?"

Frank glanced at Ray, who was smiling at him. Frank's shoulders dropped in defeat. "Fine. But not for long."

"Yay!" Gerard sat back down and patted the space next to him.

Frank wandered over and flopped down, sinking into the cushions. Frank's ears prickle as he heard Ray restart the conversation.

"So what're you into? Other than drawing, of course" Ray was saying.

Gerard leant back and the bed shifts slightly under Frank. He wriggled around, getting comfortable. "Well...I like...." Gerard listed off a few of his hobbies and Frank tuned out.

Frank realized a couple minutes in that he shouldn't be tuned out. He should be learning more about the dark-haired wonderboy who called himself Gerard Way.

"....and I sing a little," Gerard finished. He turned to Frank, eyes expectant. "How 'bout you, Frankie?" he asked.


"Huh, what?" Frank shook himself mentally and smiled distractedly. "Sorry, spaced out...what was the question?"

Ray smiled in amusement and repeated the question. Frank deliberated for a while. "Hm...well I play guitar-" Frank's interrupted by Ray.

"What? Really? So do I!" he squeaked happily.

"Awesome...uh...I like getting tattoos..." He gestured to his numerous tattoos, only a few visible.

"Can I see?" Ray asked excitedly.

Frank shrugged and stood. He pulled his shirt over his head and Ray started inspecting the many tattoos etched into his skin.

Gerard sat frigidly and never took his eyes off Frank's chest. Frank smiled teasingly. "See something you like?"

Gerard snapped his eyes up to Frank's face and blinked owlishly. "Something like that..." he murmured, assuming he was quiet enough not to be heard.

Frank's breath caught in his throat. He tried to reply but was cut off by Ray askig about his Jack-o-Lantern,

"Oh, birthday is on Halloween so...yeah..." Frank trailed off lamely, shrugging.

Ray's eyes widened even more and he went back to his thorough inspection, oblivious of the tension in the room. And in Frank's pants, but that can be kept a secret, yeah?

Gerard stood and wandered over. His eyes roamed over the tattoos and rested on one spot. His fingertips stretched out and touch the scorpion inked into the skin on Frank's neck. "They're amazing" he said, a little breathlessly.

"Thanks..." Frank murmured.

Ray looks between Gerard and Frank, and somewhere in Frank's mind he wondered if Ray realized what was happening between them.

He grinned and handed Frank his shirt back. "All your tattoos are so cool, Frank!" he gushed happily.

Obviously not.

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