Steady Damage

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Nadia stood down the road, watching the scene unfold. The coffee shop was closed off, surrounded by police. Officers walked around, asking questions about her. In the distance, she could see the institute.

Nadia thought back to her encounter with Mikey at that same coffee shop. She had originally planned to brutally murder anyone who came near her, but Mikey was different somehow.

Maybe it was because he was Gerard's brother, maybe because he seemed shy and innocent. Something had stopped her from tearing his throat out but she still wasn't sure what.

Nadia crept closer to the institute, hood up. Getting to the institute was a hell of a lot easier than she expected. The police officers didn't even approach the suspicious-looking hooded person slowly approaching the mental hospital.

Nadia reached the institute and crept around to the side door, where the kitchens were situated. Hinges creaking, she slid them open and slipped inside.

The kitchens were empty of staff, not being around a meal time. The only other person in the room was Owen. He sat on a counter, reading a book. Nadia slowly walked toward him and accidentally knocked into a stack of plates, sending it tumbling to the floor. The plates hit the floor with a crash and OWEN's head snapped up.

"What are - Nadia?" Owen hopped off the counter and placed his book down. "I thought you were at a different institute?"

"I escaped. I've come to see you," Nadia whispered with a smile. "Are you happy to see me?"

Owen shook his head. "Nadia, now the police are after you. You have to go," he said, striding toward Nadia. He placed his arms on her shoulders. "Go! Now, Nadia!"

Nadia shook her head slowly and smiled wider. "I can't. I have unfinished business...." Nadia said, glancing at the door. "Someone's coming. I'm going to go." She took of running, out the door again.

Before she stepped outside, Nadia stopped. "I'll be back soon," she said quietly, sending Owen an off-balance smile. Before Owen could reply, she disappeared from view.

The main doors flew open and one of the cooks came in. "You alright?" he asked, glancing at the pile of broken china. "I heard a crash..."

Owen looked down at the smashed plates, then up to the cook's face. "Im fine," he smiled. "Just knocked into these plates. I'm so clumsy, I promise I'll clean it up."

The cook sent Owen one last fleeting gaze before nodding and leaving. Owen stared down at the broken pile for a moment, before kneeling down and beginning to collect the shattered pieces.

* * *

Frank was waiting outside of Mr Walker's office, tapping his foot. He'd been called down about twenty minutes ago and he was getting impatient.

A few minutes later, Mr Walker stuck his head out and waved for Frank to come in. Frank stood and walked into the office.

Frank sat at the chair across from Mr Walker and crossed his ankles. "Anything you needed, sir?"

Walker took a drink from his glass of water and nodded. "Yes, Frank. I need someone to go down to take care of Miss Fionnuala O'Hagan," he said. "I'd like you to do it."

"What?! I've got Gerard to take care of!" Frank said, outraged. "Why can't Meg go? She's Fionnuala's main!"

Walker linked his fingers and raised an eyebrow. "I would like YOU to go, Frank. Is that clear?" he said with a tone of finality.

Frank sank down into his chair and nodded. "Whatever you say, boss," he said tiredly. "Who's telling Gerard?"

"I'll have one of the nurses tell him. Now you'd best be going, Mr Iero. You have much ahead of you." Walker sipped his drink and fixed Frank with his stare.

Frank got up an left the room, leaving Walker behind. He grumbled under his breath as he made his way to his car, sliding in and starting it. The Misfits 'Halloween' blared out the speakers and Frank turned it down. This was the first time The Misfits couldn't cheer him up.

* * *

It was Frank's third day of taking care of Finnuala. The two had become quite good friends and joked around a lot. They'd come up with nicknames, as Fionnuala's name was quite long. Frankie and La-La.

Frank stepped into Fionnuala's room and smiled at her. "Hiya La-La," he said.

Fionnuala smiled weakly at him. "Hiya Frankie."

Frank sat down on the edge of the bed and lifted the gauze on Fionnuala's shoulder. Under the bandages, it was bruised purple and red bite marks littered the skin there. Frank traced the marks with his fingertips and smiled softly. "They're healing up well, he said brightly. "How are you, La-La?"

Fionnuala shrugged and winced. "Well, somehow I keep forgetting it and shrugging. Exhibit A," she said, rolling her eyes and gesturing. "My leg kinda hurts too."

Frank lifted the blanket and checked Fionnuala's leg. The desk had fallen across her thigh and bruised it severely. "The bruising should clear up in a few days," Frank informed Fionnuala. "Until then, you can't move a lot."

Fionnuala leant back and sighed. "I just wanna be able to go pee without having to have you escort me. It's freaking awkward," she said.

Frank laughed. "Hey, I cover my eyes and sing songs," he said defensively.

"Yes. Lovely singing." Fionnuala giggled.

Frank stood and stretched. "Thirsty? I'll get you something from the vending machine."

Fionnuala nodded vigorously. "Please," she begged.

Frank saluted and left the hospital room. He walked down the hall toward the vending machine. Commotion down the hall stopped him. A bunch of doctors wheeled a patient down the hall toward him.

One of the doctors stopped and grabbed Frank. "You'll do," he said briskly, mistaking Frank's nurse badge. "Come with me."

"No, no. I can't-"

"COME ON!" The doctor yelled, yanking on Frank's arm. Frank got dragged down into a operation room. Harsh light shone in his eyes and he took in the sight of hospital tools and someone stretched out on an operating table.

What the hell had he dragged himself into?

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Ok. Might as well get used to short chapters because they don't seem to be getting longer. Shit. Please give feedback. I'm serious guys. I need to know if there's anything I need to change or add (apart from chapter length -_- I'm aware...). So please? ~steviexo

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