Downfall of Battle Royalé

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When Frank walked into work the next morning, Gerard was being punched in the face by another patient. He fell to his knees, clutching his nose and groaning in pain.

"Get up and fight!" The offending patient, Bert, raised his fist to punch again. "Or stay on your knees like the fag you are!"

Frank threw his bag on the floor and ran to restrain Bert. "Hey! No need for violence, alright?"

"Gotta take this trash out first, sir," Bert said, looking down at Gerard in disgust.

Ray hovered anxiously around Gerard, looking him over for wounds. "Are you okay? You sure? Are you ok? Does anything hurt?"

Bob lead Bert away to his room, scolding him for his violent outburst. Frank knew he was in Glenside for entreme violence issues.

Ray continued fluttering his hands over Gerard, searching for non-existent wounds and cuts. "Gerard, where does it hurt? Are you ok? Ger-"


"-ard, did he hurt you anywhere? Did he pun-"


"-ch you anywhere else? Oh crap, is your face ok? Do you need-"


Ray froze and looked guilty. "Sorry, dude."

Gerard shook his head, a bruise forming under his eye. "I'll be fine, man. Calm down."

Frank knelt next to Gerard and raised his hand to his face. Gerard flinches when Frank's fingertips make contact with his tender nose. Blood poured down his face and he scrunched up his eyes.

"I'm fine" he said defensively, covering his nose with a hand.

"Let's get you cleaned up, ok?" Frank offered a hand for Gerard to stand.

Gerard took the hand and allowed himself to be hauled to his feet. They walked towards the bathrooms together.

"So...why were you in the middle of Battle Royalé when I walked into work?" Frank asked.

Gerard frowned. "Bert called me a fag then decided that fags need to be punched in the face."

Gerard sat on the sink and Frank wet some paper towel, dabbing at the steadily drying blood on his face.

"Why did he call you a fag?"

Gerard laughs humorlessly. "He somehow found out that I'm gay. Or guessed." He continued as Frank threw away the papertowel and prepared another. "He assumed or found out and now we're mortal enemies. According to him."

Frank checked Gerard's nose over and stood back. "Doesn't appear to be broken," he stated.

Gerard jumped down and peered into the dirty mirror. "Fuck. That bitch messed up my eyeliner. Dammit."

Frank laughed. "I think I've only ever heard that in chick-flicks, man, I'm sorry."

Gerard threw him dirty look and Frank rolled his eyes. He dug out his own from his bag and presented it to Gerard. "I want it back after."


"Yes, Gerard. I somtimes wear some eyeliner. Just like you."

"Oh," Gerard frowned. "I thought your eyes just...did the thing without the thing."

Frank snorted. "I don't know what you just said but I have morning paperwork. You be okay here?"

Gerard nodded. "I think I'll be okay now."

Frank waved goodbye and left the bathroom, his head spinning. Gerard liked dudes. Frank would say that gave him at least a chance but he was a patient. That wasn't allowed.

He couldn't tell Gerard about his crush.


Ray was worried about Gerard. Bert wasn't a very nice guy, Ray knew that for a fact. He was always pulling Ray's hair and calling him mean names.

Ray scanned the room and failed to find Stacey. Aw, he wanted to colour with her. She's a good nurse. Ray liked Stacey. He maybe even had a teeny tiny crush on her, but she was with Bob. Ray would never take other guy's girl away. That would be mean and disrespectful.

Ray stood and walked toward his room, hands shoved in his pockets. He reached the door and wandered inside. The door closed behind him and he surveyed his room.

The walls were colorful. Ray had smuggled crayons into his room to colour in the walls. The white walls were too colorless, too blank, too...nothing.

Little drawings littered the walls, among the solid blocks of color. Ray seemed to live inside his own little world, his own little colored room.

Ray slowly felt a slow change in his mood. A sense of...unhappiness seemed to fill his chest and he frowned. He was happy a minute ago...why was he upset now?

Suddenly, the sadness overwhelmed Ray and he fell to the floor. His hands ran through his hair and tears streamed down his cheeks.

He sat there for god knows how long, just crying. The sadness almost physically hurt him. It was too much. He needed someone to comfort him.

But no-one was there.

No one was EVER there.

Ray was left alone with his overwhelming sadness.

All alone.


Stacey hurried into the staff room, throwing her handbag into a chair and signing in.

"Sorry I'm late, Kathy! Traffic is being a bitch today," she called over her shoulder, while clipping on her shiny name-tag.

Kathy waved a hand. "Don't worry, dear. The only thing you missed was Bert punching the new kid in the face. Looked painful..." Kathy tutted and turned back to her paperwork. "Adolecents these days."

Stacey shook her head. Bert had been giving Ray trouble for the past few weeks...speaking of which. Where was Ray?

Stacey walked into the main hall and scanned the room. Nope, no Ray.

Into the kitchens, where Stacey knew Ray liked to chat to the staff. She approached the head cook, Owen and asked him if he'd seen Ray.

"Hm..." Owen looked thoughtful and tapped his chin. "I don't think he's been here, I would've remembered that. That kid's so cheerful. It's refreshing."

Stacey smiled and nodded. "Thanks. I'll keep looking!"

"I'm sorry I couldn't be of any assistance," Owen called apologetically.

Stacey checked all over Glenside and couldn't find Ray. The last place she hadn't checked stood before her. Stacey reached out and turned the door knob to Ray's room.

She stepped in and searched for that mop of frizzy brown hair. "Ray...?" she called tentatively.

A small sob came from the corner. Stacey hurried over and knelt next to Ray's huddled form, rubbing his back in soothing circles. "Hey hey hey.....c'mon buddy. What's up?"

Ray turned his tearstained face toward Stacey and sniffed. "I'm so sad, miss" he said mournfully.

Stacey nodded and sighed sympathetically. She knew his downfall was coming. Guess it had finally come.


 it was my birthday today. just in case you wanted to know



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