Hot Chocolate

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"We gotta get dinner ready to serve by seven!" Owen called to the other kitchen staff, as he stirred the soup.

He wiped a hand across his brow and sighed. The kitchen was just starting up, preparing for dinner. The menu was chicken soup and vegetables. Something easy.

Owen placed the wooden spoon on the bench and went over to check the peas and carrots. "Hmm....not quite...." he observed, peering into the pot.


Owen turned when his name was called. Stacey hurried toward him, tugging ray behind her. "Hey" he greeted them.

Stacey smiled briefly at him. "Hey, we still have hot chocolate, right?" she asked.

Owen nodded. "yeah we do. Why?"

Ray looked over at Owen and sniffed. "Miss said it would help" he said miserably.

Owen looked at him sympathetically and turned to the pantry. He rummaged through the contents and pulled out the tin of hot chocolate. "Ta-Da!"

Stacey walked over and whispered into Owen's ear. "thanks for this. He had his downfall earlier...." she explained.

Owen nodded. He understood Ray's condition. The pair had become good friends. Ray liked to wander around the Institute and said he liked the way the kitchen smelled. Ray had seemed quite happy over the past few days and Owen had known it was only a matter of time before that changed.

"yeah..." Owen lifted his head and called to Ray. "Hey buddy! The usual?"

Ray nodded morosely and placed his chin in his hand, staring sorrowfully into the soup. Owen shook his head and began making the chocolate. "Poor guy..."


Once the hot chocolate was done, Owen finished it of by adding three marshmallows to the top. They bobbed around as he handed the drink to Ray.

Ray thanked him and took a drink. "amazing as always, Owen" he said quietly.

"thanks buddy! Now if you'll excuse me, I have dinner to attend to!" Owen struck a super-hero pose and whooshed away.

Stacey chuckled and sat next to Ray. "Feel any better?" she asked gently.

Ray shook his head. "No. You hate me. Gerard hates me. Frank hates me. Owen hates me. I bet he poisoned this hot chocolate. I'm gonna die, right?"

Stacey shook her head. "he didn't. Promise" she said.

Ray sighed. "But he did...I'm gonna die...."

Stacey sighed and took the mug from Ray's hands. She took a drink and handed it back. "there. Now I'll die too" she smiled.

Ray looked at her in disbelief and then peered into the mug. "so it isn't poisoned?"


"oh" Ray looked thoughtful. "it is good hot chocolate though...."

"Yes it was"

"want some more?" ray offered.

Stacey tapped her chin thoughtfully. "hm...why not?"

Together they shared the hot chocolate until the mug was empty and Ray was called for dinner.

He left with a tiny smile on his lips.


i can apologize all i want but eventually youre all going to have to face the fact that i write short chapters filed with terrible punctuation.

yet you all read it

it never fails to amaze me


The Institute (Frerard)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora