Boy 2.0

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"Ronnie? What the hell are you doing here?" Fionnuala demanded, stalking up the the grinning man. Ronnie raised his arms out for a hug and Fionnuala flinched away, making Ronnie laugh once again.

"Finn, baby. You remember me!" he said. "I'm here for obvious reasons!" Fionnuala scoffed and turned her back on Ronnie. The group of 'fangirls' came back over to her and were soon whispering questions in Fionnuala's ear.

Fionnuala did know why Ronnie was at Glenside. He had brief psychotic disorder and was at the last institute Fionnuala was at, before she moved. The reason she moved was Ronnie was always flirting with her and she hated it.

"FINN! Baby, don't run away!" Ronnie called after her. "Come talk to me!"

Fionnuala whirled around and ran up to Ronnie. She glared in his face and grabbed his collar. "I don't want a repeat of last time. I like it here, ok Radke? I don't want anything to do with you." Fionnuala said dangerously, before letting go of Ronnie's collar. She stepped back and addressed his nurse, whose name-tag read Chris. "He stays away from me, got it?" she said, pointing at Ronnie and turning away.

Fionnuala left the food hall, all thoughts of lunch gone. She went back to her room and sat on the chair. "Why is he here...?" she asked herself quietly.

Because he's gonna get you.

"What?" Fionnuala looked around, though she knew she could not see the voices in her head. "What do you mean?"

He's gonna get you.

Fionnuala stood and turned in circles, trying in vain to see the voices. She knew that she would never see them, ever, but still she tried her hardest.


Gerard sat and watched as Fionnuala raced up to the new guy and grabbed him by the collar. Behind her, Gerard could see his imaginary friend, encouraging her. She growled words Gerard couldn't hear at the new guy and stalked away, presumably back to the safety of her room. Gerard watched the new patient as he straightened his collar, flicked his hair and settled a smirk on his face.

Gerard decided he didn't like this new guy.

And apparently neither did the little imaginary boy. He kept pulling faces at him and trying to trip him. Gerard laughed out loud as the boy full-on kicked him in the stomach. Things escalated to utensils being thrown, while Gerard tried to contain his giggles.

Suddenly, the boy produced a gun from nowhere and lifted it to the man's head. Gerard's giggles abruptly stopped.

"Don't..." he whispered, shaking his head. "No...He hasn't done anything!" The boy grinned and pulled the trigger. Gerard sprung from his chair and yelled out. The man turned to look at Gerard, unharmed.

"What's your problem?" he asked, analyzing Gerard. Gerard stuttered out half sentences while slowly stumbling backward. The boy was nowhere to be seen.

"Ronnie, let's go..." Chris the nurse said, motioning Bob over to help Gerard. The blonde-haired man materialized next to Gerard and laid a hand protectively on his shoulder. "You want to leave?" he asked Gerard kindly. Gerard nodded, biting his lip.

Bob and Gerard walked outside together, into the sunshine. Gerard found Ray by a shady tree and sat down with him. Bob sat with Stacey and they started conversation easily.

"Hiya Gerard," Ray greeted with a wave. He spared a glance up at Gerard from his work. Ray was drawing a picture with some color pencils and from what Gerard could see, he was getting pretty good.

The Institute (Frerard)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें