New Beginnings

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It had been a month since the war against the giants. Many brave demigods had lost their lives. Of the seven, Annabeth and Piper lost their lives. Jason and Percy were devastated. For days they did not come out of their cabin. They skipped dinner. The morale of the camp had been low. The fact that their leaders refused to leave their cabin did not help at all. The younger campers would be shocked when they heard the stories of Percy Jackson and Jason Grace. The youngster who had come to the camp after the second titanomacy looked thought of Percy as a great unbreakable warrior and hero. To them he was the hero of Olympus. But for the older campers, he was plain old Percy. What the youngsters forgot was that as great as he was, Perseus Jackson was still a demigod. Like the rest of the demigods, he too had a breaking point. The loss of his friend had pushed him beyond this point. A few days ago the demigods, both Greek, and Roman had been rewarded. Perseus requested to be granted one wish from the gods. Zeus, who had grown fond of his nephew, gave his siblings Hades and Hestia thrones on the Olympian council; partly because he wanted to honour them and partly because he knew that his nephew would use this wish for this very purpose. Now a month later Percy made up his mind about the reward. Most would think it was bringing his friends back, but it was not. Bringing Hazel and Gwen back had upset the balance of life and death badly enough. No, he wished to be united with his friends. This was his wish. He hailed a cab and walked into the lobby of the Empire State building. He asked the doorman the key to the 600th floor. The door man, who usually has to be threatened to get the key, simply handed over the key. Percy waited for the elevator to reach his destination. Soon the elevator doors opened, and he then began walking forward. Every single person stopped to watch him pass by. The fact that he had put Gaia into an eternal slumber gave him a lot of respect. When he entered the throne room he found Zeus and His siblings Hades and Hestia to be the only ones occupying it. The moment the hero of Olympus entered the throne room, Zeus shrank to human size. "I know what you wish for young hero. I beg you to reconsider. Would your friends have wanted this?" He asked. Percy who had not thought of this, reconsidered. Thinking long and hard, he came upon a decision. He would not let other innocents get killed. "I wish to be able to rescue demigods. All I wish from you is the whereabouts of the demigods." He said. "Your wish shall be granted. I have another offer to make. Alongside rescuing demigods, you could train those who are worthy yourself. We both shall train you." Said Zeus. Percy was dumbfounded. He accepted his offer. "I am giving you some plane tickets to Tokyo. We will meet there. I would like it if you told your friends you needed a break. We will give you our blessings there. There you shall be trained in the art of the Japanese." Zeus said. Hestia walked toward Percy. "I know you are devastated by the loss of your mortal parents. I know I cannot replace Sally, but can I adopt you?" she asked. Percy was indeed devastated by the loss of his mortal parents. The prospect of having a parent once more made him very happy. The dam broke. He began crying into Hestia's chest. Soon he stopped crying and left Olympus. That was the start of a new world. A world where the gods and demigods stood united.

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