Plans, Plans, Plans

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Later that same Monday evening there were three separate meetings taking place, all of them making plans. The first meeting consisted of Severus Snape, Poppy Pomfrey and Draco Malfoy, in the potion master's quarters, where they planned how to hide Harry Potter from Albus Dumbledore. The second was taking place in the Gryffindor first-year boys dorm where Ronald Weasely and Dean Thomas planned to oust their potion master as the evil Slytherin he was. The last meeting was in the office of Hogwarts Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore where he was planning how to get Harry under his control, with Molly Weasley and Minerva McGonagall.

Severus's Personal Quarters:

After Severus and Poppy had moved Harry onto the bed in the guest room, they went to the sitting room, where the Malfoy heir was waiting for them patiently. Well, he thought he was being patient. In reality, he was pacing the carpet, clothes were ruffled, and hair was standing on end from where he had been pulling at it.

Seeing the boy who usually took such pride in his appearance, looking the way he did at that moment, sent Severus over the edge. He started laughing, first with a giggle and soon turning absolutely hysterical. Worried the matron summoned a calming draught and shoved it into the man's hands, ordering him to 'drink up.'

One he was once again under control, Severus flicked his wand at his Godson, who quickly began to look like himself once more.

"Thank you, Godfather, I am just so worried about him!"

"I know you are Dragon, as am I. He will recover, he has the best healer in the country looking after him," Severus replied, sending a wink at Poppy before carrying-on, "we have bigger problems at hand I am afraid. We have to keep Harry here without letting the Old Coot know. This will be hard. We can't just pretend he has a cold, because everyone will expect him to be better in a few days."

Poppy, quickly interrupted, "Similarly we cannot say he has something life-threatening or the Headmaster WILL insist on seeing the boy."

This caused Draco to exclaim, "We also can't let that Gryffindor bint get away with not only sabotaging his potion but almost killing him!"

"Okay, one thing at a time, Dragon, do you think now that you have calmed down, you could describe the girl in question?" The potion mater queried.

Draco nodded his head and replied, "she has straight, chestnut brown hair and azure blue eyes. Her skin is almost but not quite as pale as my own. She is usually quiet, especially for a Gryffindor, and seems to be quite average in each class we share. Hence why I don't know her name, she is just... plain."

Severus sat there quietly as he tried to discover which of his first year Gryffindors it could have been. Not the Granger girl, her hair is light brown and a wild bush. Nor the Patil twin, as she has the dark skin of her Indian heritage. It couldn't be Brown, she was the most boisterous of the group. Which only left one possible suspect, Fay Dunbar.

"I believe we are dealing with miss Faye Dunbar being the culprit. I honestly don't know much about here. I did go to school with her parents, but they were five years my senior," the potion master admitted.

"You and I both Severus, know that Albus will never persecute a Gryffindor, no matter what they do. We will need to deliver our own punishment. However, I believe Harry may want to be included in those plans once he awakens. I believe that we need to move onto the next matter at hand, how to hide Harry," Poppy declared softly.

Both Severus and Draco agreed they should wait for Harry to make any plans for retribution. All three people sat around the firepit, each attempting to figure a way of hiding Harry from the manipulations of the schools' headmaster.

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