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Harry followed his professor and best friend, still in thought about what the Headmaster had said. Soon the three arrived at Severus' quarters and walked into the sitting room. Each person was lost in their own thoughts. Draco was angry, the Weasel had insulted him and his family AND tried to take Harry away from him.

Severus was bewildered, Draco had told him what the Weasley boy said. Severus didn't understand what Dumbledore's game was, but it did seem like he ultimately wanted Harry to die. Severus would do anything, and everything in his power to ensure that this did NOT happen.

Harry didn't know how to feel. His emotions warred inside him. He was furious at Ronald Weasley, how dare he insult Draco! He was troubled by what the boy said about the headmaster and his plans. He felt guilty for letting his magic escape his control, and he felt grateful that he had Severus and the Malfoy's to support him.

The three sat in silence for half an hour, until Severus spoke up, "Harry."

Harry, who had been staring unblinkingly at the fire, raised his head and looked toward the man. "Sir?"

"I am proud of you, Little Snake," Severus softly stated.

"P-proud? But I lost control!" Harry started bawling.

Harry felt arms be wrapped around him, and when he took a peek, he saw Draco's blond hair in his vision.

"Oh Harry, of course, you lost control! How could you not? Weasel pushed you for that reason. I think he knew what would happen," Draco replied in a rush.

"What do you mean Dragon? Why do you think he knew," Severus questioned.

"I think the Headmaster placed him with those horrid Muggles for a reason. I think he wanted him to be beaten down, and easily pliable. I have no proof, of course. It's just a feeling," explained Draco.

Harry paled at those words. He couldn't understand why the Headmaster would be so cruel to him. However, Severus had jumped up and started to pace back and forth. He did this for a few minutes, while the boys looked between each other and their teacher. Suddenly, Severus whipped back around to face them.

"Alright boys, I am about to tell you something. What I tell you, I need you to keep it a secret if you can. Will you both promise?" Severus asked.

The two young boys shared a look, both turned back to face the man and said together "Yes Sir."

"Harry, you know you are the-boy-who-lived, the one who 'vanquished' the Dark Lord. What you don't know is why. In early 1980 I was a Death Eater for a sane Voldemort, a story I will tell you about later. But suffice to say I was tasked to become the potions professor here at Hogwarts, so I could spy on Dumbledore. My interview was being held in the Hogs Head Pub, and when I arrived, I found Dumbledore holding another meeting. Of course, I decided to hide and listen in. What I heard would change all of our lives forever..."

After a pause, Severus shook his head and continued, "it was a prophecy, I only heard the start before I was found by the owner of the pub, Aberforth Dumbledore. What I heard said 'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...' Of course, I quickly told Voldemort what I heard. He began to make preparations to find who the prophesied child was. Soon enough, it was discovered that two women who had defied him three times were with child. They were Alice Longbottom and Lilly Potter. I don't know why he ultimately chose you, Harry. All I know is that when I found out your mum was being targeted, I begged for him to save her and you. However, something had changed him, he had lost his sanity. So I decided to turn the tables, I went to Dumbledore and told him what I had done, and urged him to protect your family.

"When Voldemort disappeared that Halloween night in 1981, I was shocked. I knew Lilly must have found an ancient spell, she always was clever. Most likely blood magic. I was relieved when I heard you had survived but devastated that Lilly had not made it. I again went to Dumbledore, to accuse him of not doing enough. He convinced me it was my fault in the first place. He made me take an unbreakable vow to protect you! I readily took the vow and have worked under him ever since. Well, until now.

"The reason I have told all this to you is that Dumbledore is convinced Voldemort will return. Honestly, so am I. This year Dumbledore has set a trap for the Dark Lord here at the school. He wants to catch him attempting to steal the Flamel's Philosopher's Stone. Well, that is what he told the school staff. I am starting to think it is actually a test for you. I don't know what the test is though..."

When he finished his story, Severus looked towards Harry and Draco. They both sat, and their mouths hung open, eyes wide. Not saying a word. Severus started to regret telling them so much, maybe they would turn away from him now. He wasn't a good man.

AN: Bit of a cliffhanger there for you. Sorry, not sorry. I am starting to have problems knowing how to finish the first year, any ideas to help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, thank you to Jiulia19 for the artwork for this chapter. If anyone else would like to contribute in any way please feel free to comment or message me.
Thank you for reading,
Your author,
~SlySlytherin97 ❤💋

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