The Train Journey

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AN: Sorry about the delay in updating. I had my internet blown up in a lightning storm. Hopefully, I will be updating more often again. I should have this and one more instalment today.

Draco was waiting for Harry in the common-room when Harry returned, just as he said he would be. He was staring into the fireplace with a forlorn expression. Harry deliberately approached him, making sure to announce his presence with a clearing of his throat. "Draco, are you alright?"

The other boy stared at him like he had grown a second head. "Am I alright? Of course, I have been worried about you. You scared me half to death!"

Harry was surprised, 'does this Draco really care that much?' "I am now, thanks to you and Professor Snape. Before coming to Hogwarts, I loved Halloween, then I found out the truth of my parents demise."

For the first time, Draco felt sorry for Harry, he had never realised just what it meant to be the-boy-who-lived before now. Draco had grown up with both his parents, his dad may have been a little distant, but he knew he loved him. His mother was always more reserved than his father, but she remained in his life. The boys walked to their dorm and fell into their respective beds.

The next two months were routine for Harry, he got up in the morning, went to the great hall with Draco for breakfast, proceeded to class, had lunch etc. When the sign-up sheet for staying during the holidays, Draco ripped the form from Harry's hand and demanded he stay at Malfoy Manor. Harry readily agreed.

When they finished the last class of the term, the boys quickly ran down to their dorms to pack their trunks for the holidays. They scrambled for forty-five minutes, finding and gathering their belongings. After they ate dinner in the Great Hall, they went to bed early, prepared for the days to come.

The next morning they Harry and Draco trekked from the dungeons to where the threstal-drawn carriage was waiting to take them to Hogsmeade Station. After a short ride, they climbed on the Hogwarts Express and found a carriage at the back of the train. Each boy took a side of the compartment and storing their trunks in the overhead holder. "So, Draco," Harry started, "what is Malfoy Manor like? What are your parents like?"

"Loaded questions there, Harry," Draco replied, " I will start with the Manor. It is a truly magnificent sight to behold. We have beautiful gardens with a fountain in the centre of the courtyard. It was originally established in the first millenia and has been added to numerous times since. Describing it will not do it justice, just wait until you see it."

Draco sighed, seemingly lost in thought, "it sounds wonderful Drake, I can't wait to see it." Harry softly said, "what about your parents?"

Draco looked at Harry and sighed again, "Well, that is harder to explain. My father is a good man who loves me with all of his heart, he acts aloof in public, but when we are alone, that mask drops away. He used to read me bedtime stories and fix all of my hurts, most people believe he is a bad man, but that is because of my mother,"

"You see, she was a Black, they are notoriously Dark and known for going insane. When their marriage was first arranged, father was relieved. Of all the Black sisters, at least it was Narcissa he was fated to be with. However, all that changed after the actual bonding-ceremony, they consummated the bond and conceived me all in one go. At least that is the way father tells it. All I know is that my mother never wanted me, let alone another child..." Draco trailed off, thinking about his childhood. Harry was shocked by what his best friend told him, he had no idea Draco's mother was so cold towards her family. "This is going to be interesting," Harry thought.

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