Professor Snape

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"Um... Malfoy?" Harry started with eyes glued to the teachers.

"My name is Draco, use it. What's up?"

"Right, who's the man at the end of the table? Next to Professor Quirrel," Harry asked hesitantly.

Draco looked up at the head table for a moment. Then drawled, "Professor Snape, Head of Slytherin House and Potion Master." Harry carefully tore his eyes away, noticing the wary look in the man's eyes, they had been irate only a moment before. Afterwards, the headmaster sent them to bed with some arbitrarily unnecessary words. 

Entering the Hogwarts dungeons, where their common room was found, Harry was somewhat startled to see Professor Snape already inside. He noticed, however, that he seemed to be the only one to have seen the professor and decided against saying anything. "Hey Draco, let's find our dorms yeah?" Harry spoke quietly, already walking in the direction pointed out by the prefects.

The first day of classes started for Harry. He started to get nervous, for the first time, he didn't know everything about his subjects. He shuffled slowly beside Draco to the Great Hall and only ate one slice of toast for breakfast. Seeing that his first-class for the day is potions, Harry started to perk back up. 'This is something I should be able to do if it is anything like cooking'. He grabbed Draco by the sleeve and started dragging him back towards the dungeons to be the first to class. Opening the door meant he walked in the room before Draco, in doing this, he came face-to-face with his head-of-house. 'Shit' Harry thought. "Good morning, Professor Snape," Harry meekly stated. The professor looked at him like he had grown a second head, grunted and turned away.

While the professor took the roll, Harry set about organising his desk for optimal work. It shocked Harry when he heard the professor pause at his name and sneer, "Ah yes, Mr Potter, our new... celebrity." Harry was confused and a little bit saddened by his teacher's behaviour. After completing the roster, the professor began to deliver a monologue about the 'subtle art of potions.' This fascinated Harry, he started jotting notes down. The professor noticed Harry was not watching him and took a step forward to scold him. Upon the man reaching his desk, Harry looked up, visibly startled. "Sir?" The parchment he had been writing on gets snatched out of his hand. The professor's face was visibly shocked, "stay behind after class Potter," he responded sternly.

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