The Black Castle

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Now, mermaids are not as they are in storybooks. They are dark creatures... in touch with all things mysterious. If Hook had captured the twin's brothers, the mermaids would know.

As the mermaids surfaced from the water, Kayla could tell that Wendy got all excited.
"Oh, how sweet." Wendy exclaimed. Peter gave her a look,
"Are mermaids not sweet?" Kayla asked.
"They'll sweetly drown you if you get too close." As Peter questioned the mermaids neither Peter nor Kayla noticed that one mermaid was slowly pulling Wendy under the surface. Peter suddenly jumped to Wendy's side, and hissed at the mermaid who tried to drown Wendy.
"Hook has your brothers," he told us, "at the Black Castle!"

Peter and the twins flew to the Black Castle, when they arrived, Peter pulled out a few swords,
"I brought these. Can you use them?" He fought Wendy first, then Kayla, after they finished Pan made them promise,
"Promise me one thing. Leave Hook to me."
"I promise." They said at the same time.
"Wait here for my signal."
"Wait here?" Wendy cried.
"Peter!" Kayla yelled.

Thus the twins first laid eyes on the dark figure who haunted Wendy's stories. They saw the piercing eyes and were not afraid, but entranced.

Wendy and Kayla, carefully follow Hook into the castle, and once it's safe they walk into sight.
"Tell me, Hook, have you another name?"
"Aye." Said a voice that sounded like Hooks, but we all knew better.
"No!" At this, Peter became offended, and used his own voice.
"Ordinary boy?"
"Wonderful boy?"
"Yes! Do you give up?"
"Yes!" Smee stuttered.
"I am..."
"Peter, look out!" Kayla shouted. A gun fire shouted, and Peter flew into the air.
"There he is!"
"It is your requiem mass, boy."
"Ready to lose the other one?" Peter taunted
"Not this time." As Peter and Hook fought, two pirates snuck up on the twins,
"Ooh-ooh, girlie."
"Who be you to call me girlie?" The twins yelled outraged!
"If I were you, I'd give up." Hook yelled at Pan,
"If you were me, I'de be ugly." Pan spat back. Suddenly, Hook had Peter trapped,
"Ready? Fire!" He threw him into the air and into a net!
"Get the boat!" The children screamed as they stole the row boat from the pirates.
"Turn the boat around." Kayla yelled, "Turn it around!"
Meanwhile, under the water, Peter was cutting himself out of the net, when he came to the surface, he was face to face with Hook.
"And now, Peter Pan, you shall die."
"To die will be an awfully big adventure."
Tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock!
"Oh, no." Hook breathed, he turned back towards Pan, but he was gone! He turned back around and saw Pan standing on the back of the boat. Suddenly the giant crocodile jumped towards the captain, and he screamed for Smee, while the children got away.

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