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As they flew across London, they all felt as though they were made of air! As they passed over the very party that their mother and father had been attending, John stole one mans top hat, then flew up next to Peter.
"Who are you?" Peter asked.
"I'm John."
"John. Take hold of this." John scrunched his nose as he took hold of his filthy ankle, "Both hands." John scrunched his nose even more as he put his other hand around Peter's ankle, "Pass it on."
"Michael, take hold of my ankle."
"Wendy, take hold of my ankle!"
"Kayla, take hold of my ankle!"
"And whatever happens, don't... let... go!" As they flew through the star, their vision blurred, they could barely see a thing! Then suddenly they came across an island,
"Neverland." Kayla whispered. As they landed on one of the clouds, they saw a ship full of pirates, Kayla saw Peter looking through a telescope. She looked at him, he looked at her, and handed her the scope,
"Forty gunner. She must do 20 knots under full sail." Then she handed it over to Wendy,
"Noodler, with his hands on backwards!" She then handed it to John,
"Bill Jukes! Every inch of him tattooed." But then he shouted one name that caught everyone's attention, "Hook!"
"Let's take a closer look." He said mysteriously, and started jumping from cloud to cloud, the four children following behind.
"Watch this."
"Whoa! My hat!" John shouted as his hat fell off his head, and just their luck it landed on the pirates sad excuse for a parrot.
"Fire!" Peter quickly pushed Kayla out of the way, but the force of the cannon caused her to shoot up into the air.
"Help! Help!" She yelled.

"What is it?"
"A large white bird. Quite ugly too. No!"
"Give me it!"
"When Peter's away, I'm in charge! I get to look through the telescope. It's coming closer." Just then Tink appeared in front of the telescope, "My God, I've gone blind! I'm blind. I've gone blind. I'm blind."
"Hello, Tink. Where's Peter?"
"Hello, Tink."
"She's blinded me!"
"Hello, Tink."
"Hello, Tink."
"Any more news on the inventions?"

Now, Tinker Bell was not all bad. Sometimes she was all good. But fairies are so small they only have room for one feeling at a time.

"Tink says the bird is called a ...'Kayla.'And Peter wants us to... Shoot it down."
"Well, we have our orders. Shoot the Kayla bird."
"Ready? Aim! Fire!"
"Three, two, one!"
"I got it. I got it!"
"That is no bird. That is a lady ."
"And Tootles... Tootles has killed her."
"Ha! I'm back! Great news. I know what the newest invention is! It makes the softest blankets you will ever sleep in!"
"Well, that's incredible, I must say!"
"Greater news! I have brought you she that created all of these incredible inventions. She is to help us create our plans! She is..."
"Dead. Tragic. Awful. Good shot, though."
"Kayla!" Wendy yelled, afraid that she had lost her only sister.
"Whose arrow?"
"Mine, Peter." Tootles spoke up, "Strike, Peter. Strike true."
"The Kayla lives!"
"It's my kiss. My kiss saved her."
"I remember kisses. Let me see it." Peter handed Slightly the acorn, "Aye, that is a kiss. A powerful thing."
"Let us carry her down to the house. Hands."
"They're a bit dirty."
"She must stay here and die."
"No!" Peter and Wendy yelled at the same time.
"Oh, how could I have thought that? Stupid. Sorry."
"We shall build a house around her. With a chimney! And a door knocker! And windows!"
"Tink did it."
"Tinker Bell? Oh, Tinker Bell?"
"Was it you, Tink?"
"Then I am your friend no more."

When Kayla awoke, she was inside a small house of sorts, and she could hear whispers outside,
"First impressions are very, very important. Here she is. Look lovable." Kayla then opened the door, to be greeted by a large amount of boys,
"Kayla lady, for you we built this house with a door knocker. And a chimney. One, two, three. Please be our mother."
"Oh. Well, it is frightfully fascinating. But, you see, I've had no real experience."
"Are good at games and singing?"
"Then you're perfect."
"Very well. I will do my best." Then they turned her around, and put a blindfold over her eyes,
"Sorry about the blindfold. We must be cautious. There are some nasty characters about. If Hook discovers our hideout, he'll gut us."
"How dreadful!"
"Oh, we live for it!" They pushed her into a tunnel after removing the blindfold,
"But I..."
"Time to meet Father, Mother. So looking forward to being your son." As she walked farther into the tunnel, she suddenly slipped and slid down a slide,
"Welcome, Mother." Peter greeted her, "Discipline. That's what fathers believe in. We must spank the children immediately before they try to kill you again. In fact, we should kill them."
"I agree that they are perfectly horrid, but kill them and they shall think themselves important."
"So important. And unique."
"I suggest something... far more dreadful," Kayla said threatingly, "Medicine. It's the most beastly, disgusting stuff. The sticky, sweet kind."
"Kill us, please! Kill us, please!"
"Littlest first. Michael?" No response, "Michael. John. Wendy, our brothers!"
"Who?" Peter asked.

In a Cloud of GreenWhere stories live. Discover now