Why Are You Crying?

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BANG!!! Kayla heard something ram against her bed, she was about to dismiss it as a "bad dream" when she heard crying noises at the foot of her bed. As she peeled over the bed frame, she saw a boy, around her age, with dirty blonde hair, and an outfit made entirely out of leaves,
"Boy," she said, "why are you crying?" As soon as she finished talking, he shot up onto the ceiling!
"You can fly!" She exclaimed. As he peeked around the chandelier, Kayla couldn't help but to giggle. Soon the boy came down to the floor, and bowed before her, she jumped off her bed, and curtsied before him.
"What is your name?" She asked.
"What is your name?" He repeated, clearly quite alarmed.
"Kayla Marie Anna Darling!"
"Where are you from?"
"They put that on the letters?"
"I don't get any letters."
"Well, surely your mother gets letters?"
"I don't have a mother." Kayla stopped right where she stood,
"No wonder you were crying!"
"I wasn't crying about mother's!" He yelled, offended that she would even say that, "I was crying, 'cause I can't get this stupid shadow to stick! And I wasn't crying!" He added quickly. Kayla giggled when she realized that the shadow had gotten out of his grasp, and was slowly scooting away. Peter grabbed it and quickly tried tying on again,
"I could see it on for you!" The shadow grabbed his face, gluing him to the bed frame, Kayla giggled as she went to retrieve the needle and thread. Little did she know, that a certain fairy was stuck in that very drawer!
"This may hurt a little," Kayla warned as she held the needle in front of her. Once she was finished she asked,
"Might I borrow your knife?" Peter hesitated before handing her his knife, and she cut the string,
"Thank you." He got up and flung his shadow at the wall, when it followed his movements, he turned around and shouted,
"Oh, the cleverness of me!"
"Of course, I did nothing."
"Aw, you did a little."
"A little?" Kayla felt quite offended, "Good night." She said as she hid under the covers.
"Kayla?" He asked climbing onto the bed to whisper right above her hidden form, "One girl is worth more than 20 boys."
"You really think so?" She mumbled from under the covers.
"I live with boys... the Lost Boys. They are well named."
"Who are they?" She asked flipping the covers off of her head, causing Peter to fall onto the bedroom floor.
"Children who fall out of their prams when the nurse is not looking." He exclaimed, "If they are not claimed in seven days, they are sent to the Neverland."
"Are there girls too?"
"Girls are much too clever to fall out of their prams."
"Peter, it is perfectly lovely the way you talk about girls." Then she realized that there was something she just felt that she had to give him, "I should like to give you... a... kiss."
"Don't you know what a kiss is?"
"I shall know when you give me one." Kayla giggled, and handed him a thimble.
"I suppose I should give you one now," he said.
"If you like." He held out an acorn, "Thank you." She sad taking the acorn, and putting it on a necklace,
"How old are you, Peter?"
"Quite young."
"Don't you know?"
"I ran away. One night, I heard my mother and father talking of what I was to be when I became a man. So I ran away to Kensington Gardens and I met Tink."
"Tinker Bell." He clarified, "She's my fairy."
"But there's no such thing as..." and with that he flew over to her and covered her mouth,
"Don't say that. Every time somebody says that, a fairy somewhere falls down dead." He explained, "And I shall never find her if she's dead."
"You don't mean to tell me there's a fairy in this room!"
"We come to see your inventions!" Peter said,
"I really like your invention that puts threads together to form some kind of cloth!"
"Oh that!" Kayla realized, "That is supposed to sew blankets overnight so that me and Wendy don't have to!"
"Peter." Kayla whispered, "I should like to give you... a... thimble."
"What is that?"
"Tink! Tink! Tink, no!" "She's not very polite. She says if you try to give me a thimble again, she'll kill you."
"Oh. And I had supposed fairies to be charming."
"Peter, don't go."
"I have to explain your latest invention to the lost boys!"
"But I know lots of stories, stories I could tell the boys."
"Come with me."
"I... I cannot fly."
"I'll teach you. I'll teach you to ride the wind's back. And away we go."
"Could John, Michael and Wendy, come too?"
Peter looked at the three children's sleeping forms and shrugged.
"Michael! Michael! John! John! Wendy!"
"I didn't do it." John yelled sleepily.
"There is a boy here who is to teach us to fly." John looked at him, disgusted,
"You offend reason, sir." Peter then flew up to the ceiling and landed on Johns bedpost.
"I should like to offend it with you."
"You just think happy thoughts, and they lift you into the air." He shouted happily, "It's easy."
"I've got it! I've got it!" John yelled "Swords, daggers, Napoleon! Yahoo!"
"Wendy! Kayla! Watch me!" Micheal yelled, "Puddings, mud pies, ice cream, never to take a bath again!"
"Flowers, sunshine, summer!"
"Wendy!" Soon all of Kayla's siblings were in the air, Kayla saw Peter sneak up behind her, she turned around, and Peter blew some pixie dust into her face, suddenly, she felt herself lift off the ground and onto the air. She giggled in delight!
"Come away. Come away to Neverland."
"Oh. What about Mother?"
"Nana?" The four Darling children drifted to the ground at the though of leaving everything they ever loved behind.
"There are mermaids."
"Mermaids?" The twins shot up into the air
"Indians!?" The boys mused.
"Pirates?" The four of us chorused.
"John, wait for me!" Micheal yelled.

"Forget them, Kayla. Forget them all. Come with me where you'll never, never have to worry about grown-up things again." Peter whispered into her ear, "What is it? What's wrong?"
"Never is an awfully long time." Kayla said.

It would be delightful to report that they reached the nursery in time. But then there would be no story.

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