A Shadow?

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As Kayla got in bed that night, she looked over at Wendy. She seemed to be crying,
"Wendy dear?" She asked, "Are you alright?"
"Yes," she replied, "I'm sorry Kayla, I shouldn't go around feeling bad for myself. After all, you're being forced to grow up as well!"
"Yes," Kayla replied sadly, "but isn't growing up just the next great adventure?"
"I-I guess," Wendy stammered.
"Come," Kayla told her sister, and she started singing:

"It's alright if you don't want to grow up, I don't want to either!" She whispered into her sisters sleeping ear, "But all children must grow up eventually!" Or so she thought.

As the Darlings were all asleep in their beds, a figure flew through the window. This boy had dirty blonde hair, and green eyes that matched the color of his leaf jumper. He flew over to Kayla's bed to see what a girl looked like up close. He had never seen such beauty! He wasn't thinking as his grubby fingers reached out to touch her smooth skin, but pulled them back before they collided. It was still enough to cause her to wake up though, and when she saw a boy flying above her, she couldn't help but gasp! This startled him so he flew to the top of the wall, causing enough noise to wake Wendy and Nana. Wendy gasped and fell out of bed, while Nana barked and charged, I watched as he f jumped off the windowsill, but not before Nana caught hold of his...shadow? But it caused him to spring back to the nursery, but he caught hold of the frame just in time, and disappeared, leaving his...shadow behind?
"Wendy!" I whisper yelled, "Go and see if you can find the body! I'm going to help Nana with his...shadow."
But there was no body, for none had fallen. Certainly she must have been dreaming!

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