five | come home

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"Very.. focused.. on his work, that man is," My father watched Victor get into his car with his wife, "I'm afraid a little too much though.."

"I wanna be smart like him!" Vijay exclaimed, munching down on a sandwich.

"You will be, Vijay, bright as your parents can make ya!" My father replied, setting me on the counter beside Vijay. Vijay slid away, disgusted.

"Not nice!" I said. I sounded like I was high on helium, but I was just four.

"I think it is completely normal to not want to eat next to your butt!" Vijay replied, he tickled me.

"Hey! Hey! Careful, she'll-"

I giggled my way off the counter, falling and breaking my elbow.

I sat at the Watanabe's hub table, quietly rubbing the scar on my elbow.

"It took me a week to stop crying after that," Vijay smiled as he walked in. I looked at him, before looking straight ahead again.

"She hasn't spoken at all," Aiko said from the counter.

"Cassidy?" He knelt beside me and looked at me, then to Aiko. Of whom, nodded and walked out of the room.

"Have you slept?"

I stared blankly ahead of me, ignoring him.

"Would you rather talk to Will Robinson?"

No answer.

"What's wrong?" He frowned.

No answer.

He stood up and walked outside the hub as Victor walked past, he stopped him and said: "Dad? Have you.. uh.. talked to Cassidy?"

"Not in the past few hours, no," He looked at me, "She's right there, is there a problem?"

Vijay looked at me, and shook his head, "No, sorry."

He walked back towards me and sat down in the chair beside me, "The mission failed.. if you didn't know.."

I knew.

He sighed and held his hand out to me, "Let's go on a walk, yeah?"

I looked at his hand, then up at him. I took his hand and let him lead me off the Jupiter, his father watching.

Vijay held my hand as if I was a toddler he'd lose in the grocery store as he led me down a path that likes the forest.

"What happened?" He whispered, I looked down at the ground- the sun was incredibly bright. Especially, for someone who spent the night staring into the darkness beyond the hub table.

I didn't respond immediately and my voice cracked when I tried to, "I m-miss D-Da-Daddy. And.."

"No, no, you were doing good, keep going," He said softly, he brought our hands to his chest and squeezed.

I looked at him and nodded, "V-Victor.. y-your dad. He got mad at me. F-For being unproductive and- and getting in th-the way.. And he.. he made me feel bad a-and I-I just miss Daddy."

I spoke quickly and stuttered so much I was surprised he even understood.

"He makes me feel bad too sometimes," He told me, "A lot of times. He's just like that. You're not in the way at all."

He continued, "Just keep doing you, I guess. Everyone's on edge right now. Especially, after last night."

I stopped walking and turned around, I heard footsteps. Not just footsteps, fast ones. Someone was running. He stopped and let go of my hand.

We turned and saw Robinsons sprinting towards the Jupiter 11, funnily Penny was quite far behind Will. Judy walked behind them, but somehow kept up.

"What are they doing.." Vijay muttered.

I look at the hand that was once in Vijay's, before clasping it together with my other and resting them against my chest.

"Should we go find out?" I asked.

He shook his head and looked down at me, "No. Let's.. focus on you. And me. I'm cool, too."

He continued walking.

"How've you been? I mean.. well-"

"I want to go home," I said, sadly.

"We can go back," Vijay told me, glancing back at the Jupiter.

"On Earth!" I told him, "On Earth.. I miss my bed with too-bright-of-a-pink sheets, and my crooked desk. A window that doesn't overlook your house anymore."

Vijay thought for a second, "We'll make a new home. Crooked desk and everything. Just.. I'll live in this one."

"And if I don't want a new home?"

"Your dad would want you to make the best of any situation rather than dwell the bad stuff. You should remember him that way."

"I suppose," I muttered, "When will we get the opportunity to do that?"

"No id-"

Victor interrupted him with a sudden call: "Vijay, Cassidy, come back. Now."

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