four | flash

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I don't think we'll make it off this planet. They tried to retrieve fuel, and lost it. And a colony member. The Dhars decided to leave, of course they took me with. We were stopped. The planet is entering a phase of orbit that will kill us all.

"Are they together or something?" I jumped, as Will placed a panel at our feet. He was staring at something, of which I realized was a Chariot.

One that held both Will's sister, Penny, and Vijay. They sat awkwardly, looking away. Silent.

"I dunno," I replied, "They kissed though.."

"They did?"

I nodded, "He told me."

I gasped and giggled. He gave me a confused look, smiling, and asked: "What?"

"He told me not to tell anyone," We began to walk back onto the Jupiter 4. Other survivors stared as we walked past. Due to many recent events, we were outcasts. Many people didn't seem to enjoy our presence as much as the next.

"We're not too popular here.." I muttered as I followed Will to the cockpit, "are we?"

"My dad said it's because of the robot, nothing against me," He replied, sadly, "At least in my case.."

He placed a toolbox on the ground and sat down, gesturing me to follow, "I don't think they hate you or anything, they're just.. confused. And worried".

I nodded slowly.

He handed me a flashlight, "I'm gonna patch the UHF radio. Here, can you hold this?"

I turned it on and pointed it to the panel.

"What's doing that gonna do?"

"So that this Jupiter can be linked to mine, the Jupiter 2," He replied. He took a screwdriver and unscrewed the lid. We both flinched as it surprisingly swung open.

"My life just flashed before my eyes.." He joked.

Penny put a hand over my mouth and another over her own. I looked at her and she stared back with wide eyes. The low growl of the beast, that crept just on the other side of a tarp, shook my bones.

"At the speed of light.." I muttered. I blinked blankly, the flashlight sliding in my hand- causing Will to notice.

"You okay?"

The sound of his voice snapped me back to reality, and I nodded.

"Your dad.." He started. I bit my lip, keeping my focus on whatever he was doing.

"Were you close?" He asked.

I nodded, "Very. My.. mother.. left us soon after my birth. My dad jokes that she popped me out and walked right out of the hospital! He doesn't joke often though.."

"Oh.. Before this, my dad went into combat for the navy for three years. It was.. sad."

"My dad and I spent any moment we could together," I said quietly, "Vijay said we still do."

"I think so too."

We were both quiet for a second, until Victor's voice blared out of my radio: "Cassidy, come see me outside."

I said goodbye to Will, telling him I'd be back soon. And I begun my way off the Jupiter.

Victor waited for me just outside the Jupiter. He pulled me away from the Jupiter, away from the other survivors.

"Now, Cassidy, Prisha tells me you didn't come home last night," He said, with obvious displeasure.

I looked to the ground and nodded, "I was on the Jupiter 2, Sir."

"And who knew you wouldn't come back?"

I paused, "No one."

"No one.. And we're you supposed to be elsewhere, anyway?"

"No, Sir."

He took a deep breath and asked: "How's your work going?"


"Are you sure?"

I nodded slowly.

"And the emotional outburst the other day was just as efficient?"

I stared at him. Tears welled in my eyes and my lips trembled.

"You are being irrational," He told me, "I understand that your father's death is very tragic and you have not ta-"

"You don't understand.." I muttered, as the tears finally fell.

"We haven't any time to dwell over this, we must be focused," He replied, he pretended to be unaffected by my crying. Although, he very much was.

"I'm trying my best-"

"And your best isn't good enough," He snapped, "Pull yourself together and work, or stay out. You can't half-ass something that our lives depend on."

He walked away, and I fell to my knees.

I sat there and cried, until the last survivor stepped away from the Jupiter and it was time to take off.

"Let it out," My father told me, "Scream".

I did. I screamed at the top of my lungs until my vision was spotty. I screamed. And didn't stop.

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