"Adorable, aren't they?" Obi-Wan chuckled, which startled you out of your nostalgic state.

"Oh, yes. Brings me back to simpler times."

He nods. "Oh yes, me too. I'm somewhat jealous of them; if you know what I mean, " he sighs as if he was reminiscent too.

"I do know what you mean. A child's innocence is one to be treasured, " you said, surprising yourself with your choice of words. You were starting to sound like Obi-Wan and Master Yoda.

"Oh yes, I do agree with that. "

You nodded and left the conversation there, entranced with the children as they continued to wave their lightsabers back and forth, giggles started to build up in the room from excitement. You smiled from their innocent cheeriness, your heart now swelled with enjoyment from hearing their laughter.

Obi-Wan walked back to the center of the room and laughed. "What's so funny? Did Patri drop his lightsaber again?"

The room filled up with more laughter as Obi-Wan had referenced that incident, but a child in the front row clicked off his lightsaber and raised his shield. "No! I didn't." It was a small Balosar child, who frowned at the reference that Obi-Wan had made. "We're just having fun, Master Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan crosses his arms and smiles. "Well I'm glad, but now is the time for the training droids, " Obi-Wan says, and several gasps came from the children, all of them super excited to train with their training lightsabers. Obi-Wan pulls out a small and sleek remote and pushes a button.

In the back of the circular room, the floor had moved that was followed by a whirring sound. You rose an eyebrow in curiosity as you examined what was happening, and before your eyes, metal shelves had risen out of the floor that contained all of the spherical training droids for the younglings. You watched in awe as you had never seen this before--the whirring noise came to a halt as the shelves had finally risen to a stop.

"That's new, " you muttered. Whenever you were a youngling about twenty years ago, there were Jedi who came in with crates of them, and now there were shelves of them that slid out of the floor.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Obi-Wan turns to you before he hit another button on the remote, which seemed to activate all of the training droids as all of them flew to a youngling.

You nodded and stared, impressed with the technology. "How long has it been like that?"

Obi-Wan shrugged. "Past ten years."

Your eyes widened, now realizing how rarely you visited the training room, and just how much the war had kept you busy and away from the Temple. "Wow."

Obi-Wan nodded and continued to instruct while you stood around him and helped the younglings when instructed. Sometimes you would guide their lightsaber or give advice on their technique, or advice on using the Force. You had to admit that helping train younglings was fun, and you wanted to do it more often.

Eventually, the training had ended and your day of hanging around younglings had ceased.

Obi-Wan pressed the button on the remote to release the shelves back into their department beneath the floor, leaving only you and Obi-Wan left in the training room, as the small younglings had been taken by their caretakers to the banquet hall to eat and finish up for the day.

"Well, how did you like that?" Obi-Wan asked as he shoved the slim remote into a pocket in his utility belt.

You smiled-- a feeling of hope washed over you like the water on the morning beaches of Naboo. It was calming and yet, reassuring. "I enjoyed it thoroughly. I really liked helping the younglings. It brought me back to simpler times when I needed it the most."

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