Koharu smiled and shook her head. "No we won't."

Zen and Ezra sat beside each other, Ezra looking so nervous.

"Why are you so nervous Ezra?" Koharu asked, lightly nudging Subaru's shoulder.

Ezra flinched and started making excuses. "Ah, well, um, you see, it's a great day, well, life-"

"Actually me and Ezra have something to tell the two of you."

Subaru and Koharu pretend to be concerned. "Is it the donkey?" Koharu asked.

"No it's not-"

"Or the cake?" Subaru suggested.

"Ah, its not the cake! The cake is very delicious!" Ezra stammered.

Koharu coughed as she nudged Subaru yet again.

"Are you okay Nanakura-san?" Zen asked.

"Yes I am." Koharu cleared her throat.

"So what are you guys gonna tell us?" Subaru asked, anxious to know.

"Well Nanakura-san, Subaru, there's really something that needs to only stay between, well the four of us." Zen said.

"Just the four of us?" Subaru repeated.


"What about the others?" Koharu asked.

"Th-the others will know when we're ready?" Ezra said, his face starting to turn red.


"Yes. Well you see, me and Ezra are," Subaru and Koharu waited with anticipation. "Trying to work things out between us."

Subaru and Koharu didn't get it. Zen sighed. "Well, do you guys remembered the incident in where we went out looking for Ezra? Because of what I did?"

Subaru and Koharu nodded their heads. They had an idea where this is going. Ezra's face is already red. "Well I found Ezra and me and him got into an argument but we managed to get to a conclusion that no one must know."

Koharu waited eagerly for him to continue. "And well me and Ezra had a conversation a while ago that we should let you guys know."

"B-but it's only the two of you." Ezra blushed.

"Well yeah." Zen started to blush.

"What is it?" Koharu asked eagerly.

Zen cleared his throat. "I asked Ezra if I could make it work. If we can make it work. So to say," Zen started to get embarrassed, "me and Ezra are dating."


Zen and Ezra are blushing mad. Subaru and Koharu, who had a smug look, stared at each other. Zen and Ezra waited patiently for them to say anything and got surprised when Subaru sighed. A disappointed sigh. Zen and Ezra suddenly got nervous. But got confused when Subaru reached into his pockets and grabbed a his wallet.

"Um Subaru-"

Subaru grabbed ¥100 from his wallet and gave it to Koharu who had a huge smile on her face. Zen and Ezra looked at them in confusion.

"Okay-" Zen started.

"What's going on?" Ezra asked cautiously.

Subaru sighed. "So you see, me and Nanakura-san made a bet."

"A bet if you'll confess during or after the party. I bet that you'll confess during the party and Subaru bet that you'll confess after the party." Koharu smiled.

Zen and Ezra looked at each other. They felt so awkward in their seats.

Subaru shook his head and laughed. Zen and Ezra flinched in their seats. "You guys don't have to be so awkward in your seats. Don't worry about it."

"If we're being honest right now, me and Subaru actually suspected it."

"Suspected?" Zen and Ezra said in disbelief, eyes grew wide.



"At the wedding." Koharu chuckled.

"We thought that it was kinda weird how you guys got so close after your past argument. When I say close," Subaru bit back a smile.

"Very close. We well suspected that you guys made a contract between guys."

"A contract between guys and guys only."

"So when you confessed earlier-" Koharu started.

"We didn't get get surprised at all." Subaru shrugged.

Zen and Ezra stayed silent. Koharu and Subaru waited for them to say something. "So you guys accept us?" Ezra asked cautiously.

Koharu chuckled. "Of course Ezra. You're my cousin! I accepted you when you confessed to me a few years back. I love you for that."

"Of course. Although thinking back, Zen you were my sister's boyfriend," Zen flinched, "and Ezra you were also her best friend," Ezra flinched as well, "but I guess Shira would want you guys to be happy and move on. I guess deep down she knew that there was something between you two that hasn't blossomed yet."

Zen laughed half heartily. Ezra sighed in relief. "I thought I was gonna die."

Zen, Subaru and Koharu laughed. "I'm also happy that you guys accepted us."

Koharu nodded her head. "Just make sure to make Ezra happy Zen."

"I will Nanakura-san."

Subaru looked at the others who seems to be still playing pin the tail on the donkey. This time Nozumo, Asahi and Kanata joined the game. "When will you tell them?"

"Well when we're ready to let a few people know about our relationship." Zen answered.

Subaru reached out to ruffle Zen's hair. "I'm proud of you."

He then ruffled Ezra's hair. "Both of you."

But when Subaru met Ezra's eyes, there was something that reminded him of something else.

Word Count : 1238

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