Chapter I

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Victoria's Boarding School for Girls, Dorm 129

February 12th

12:05 pm

Annabeth was actually having a nice day.

She has just got out of her morning classes and was now on her way to her dorm room to drop off her books before heading out to lunch. And after her afternoon classes, she was going to Percy's to help him babysit his little sister, Estelle.

She should have known better to think that she could have a day without the gods' interference. 

As soon as Annabeth was able to get into her dorm room because she swears to the gods that that lock is broken for Hades sake, or she recently pissed of the god of locks too, her phone started to ring. 

Her phone was just an old flip phone that she bought for around 20 bucks. It wasn't in the best condition and it took a few presses a button to actually pick up the call.

Annabeth answered the phone with a confused, "Hello?" Everyone who had her number (which was an extremely small amount) knew not to call unless it was an emergency. Technology only helped monsters track demigods, like moths to a flame.

"Hey, Annabeth," Piper's voice came from the phone. Annabeth furrowed her eyebrows, she hasn't heard from Piper for a while,  not since she returned from Californa with news of Jason's death.

"Piper, what's wrong?" Annabeth asked, bouncing her knee impatiently. Too long of a phone call would call every monster in a mile radius to her exact location.

"You're needed at camp." Annabeth internally yelled at herself. She was so stupid, even thinking of having a normal, mortal, care-free day. A decade of monsters seemed to have taught her nothing. 

"Okay, I got it. Do I need to get Percy?" The blonde asked. She heard Piper yell to someone before coming back on the phone.

"Yeah, grab him," Piper said. She hung up without as much as a farewell. Annabeth sighed and tucked her phone back into her pocket. 

She fell to her knees and despite wanting to curse out the gods for making her ditch the rest of her classes and possibly get sucked into another dangerous quest, simply started digging around under her bed.

Annabeth had hidden her new drakon-bone sword under her bed to avoid any strange questions about whatever the Mist decided to cover it up as. After several attempts to grab the sword, resulting in touching something sticky that she did not want to see in the light, she finally grabbed the leather grip and pulled it out. 

She grabbed her wallet off the bedstand and a jacket, shrugging it on over her sweater. It was a bit chilly out, winter sweeping in with a vengeance.

Annabeth turned to see her roommate, Sofia, standing there with her hand on the doorknob.

"Going somewhere?" Sofia asked, her brow furrowed. Sofia's own uniform sweater was tied around her waist and her button-up shirt was unbuttoned, revealing the graphic t-shirt underneath.

They had planned to go to lunch together that day. Shit.

"Oh, I'm sorry for bailing on you - but something came up," Annabeth cheeks heated up from embarrassment.

"Okay, what came up?" Sofia entered the room and sat on her bed, setting her bag by her feet.

"Family emergency," she said quickly, shimmering off her skirt and jumping into pants instead. She strung her leather belt through the belt hoops and hung on her sword. Sofia didn't seem to notice the large stark-white sword that was right in front of her, thank the gods. 

Construct of Belief // Percy Jackson x Harry Potter CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now