Bonus Chapter: Seeds Q&A Part 3

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Hello, dearest Seedlings!

I know, I know; you're probably wondering WHERE IS THE LAST CHAPTER ALREADY??? Well, the thing is, the release of the last chapter is currently dependent on the completion timeline of our super-secret-extra-special-surprise that is meant to be posted alongside it. It shouldn't be long now, I'm just waiting for delivery of a final update on the surprise. 

While we wait though (and I so appreciate your patience!) I thought it might be nice to have one last Q&A before the end of our story. The cast was kind enough to agree, and so they are all available one last time to take your questions! 

This Q&A will remain open indefinitely, so if you have a question that you'd like to ask our beloved Middle-Earthians, feel free to comment here with it. 


yavanna_kementari asks: 'The Three E's, but anyone who wants to answer really: Who's looking forward to TWO royal weddings within the space of a year??'

Elboron: *sitting to one side, looking absolutely smug since he's the only one of the Three Es who's already married* 

Eldarion: ..."What? Oh come now Elboron, surely you don't expect Elfwine or I to be the sort of bridegrooms to develop cold feet?!"

Elboron: "I'm just thinking back, recalling a certain someone who threatened to duel me if I came down with such a condition before I married his sister." *gives Eldarion a meaningful look*

Eldarion: "Ai! The House of Stewards have memories like Oliphants! If there is anyone I'd be keeping a close eye on right now though, it's Elfwine. How about it, Elfwine? Has Almárëa managed to scare you off your engagement yet?" 

Elfwine: *Harrumphing* "After knowing each other nearly our entire lives, I very highly doubt Almárëa could do anything to 'scare me off', as you put it. Why? Spoiling for a duel, princeling?" 

Eldarion: "No, just wondering why it is that Almárëa has only been to Edoras once since the two of you announced your engagement." 

Túrien: *Leaning in from the other room, a wicked gleam in her eye* "It's for Elfwine's protection, poor boy. You see, given half the chance, Almárëa is sure to attempt to rob her intended of his virtue long before their wedding!" 

Elboron: *Nearly suffocating from half-hidden laughter*

Eldarion: "...." 

Elfwine: "You know Almárëa...she has a way of always getting what she wants in the end."

Eldarion: "This is my youngest sister we are speaking of, can we please change the subject??"


Narsil_Anduril asks: 'Hello! My question for Elfwine; how do you imagine your future after you decided to marry Aragorn's youngest daughter? Like, how many children do you want to have?'

Elfwine: "Well, I'd be lying if I said that, when considering the future, Dagmar's curse never intrudes upon my mind... As the only heir of my house, ending my days childless would not only be a great sorrow to me, but would essentially spell the end of the House of Eorl." 

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