3 Butterfly Bend

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The Ties That Bind

"Episode 3 - Butterfly Bend"

(Jill and Valerie enter the hospital and walk towards the elevators)

VALERIE: (points to the right) I thought ICU was this way.

JILL: She got transferred to another ward late last night.

VALERIE: (unsure) That's good...right?

(Jill nods)

(elevator dings)

VALERIE: (sighs loudly) This place is so depressing.

JILL: Val...it's not a nightclub.

(elevator doors open. Those inside shuffle around)

(Jill and Valerie enter the elevator)

MAN 1: Which floor?

JILL: 3rd, please.

(Elevator door closes)

[Next Scene]

(Jeff is watching TV in the living room when he hears the front door open)

JEFF: (shouts) Will? Is that you? Grab me a coke, real quick.

(Chelsea walks into the living room carrying a purse and a travel bag)

CHELSEA: Get it yourself, fat a**.

(Jeff lazily turns around)

JEFF: (puzzled) Chels?

(Chelsea drops the bag on the floor and excitedly walks towards Jeff with her arms wide open)

CHELSEA: (smiles, raises eyebrows) Hey, lil' bro!

(Chelsea hugs Jeff from behind and squeezes him tightly. Jeff is visibly bothered)

JEFF: Are you dying?

(Chelsea pushes Jeff away)

CHELSEA: (gives a look of disgust) Ew. What the f*** is that smell? Is that booze?

JEFF: (nods) Yeah...I should probably shower.

CHELSEA: Gross, Jeff!

(she pulls out a bottle of perfume from her purse and sprays Jeff a few times)

JEFF: (angrily) Quit it!

(he tries to flick the perfume out of Chelsea's hand. She puts the perfume back in her purse and plops down on the couch)

CHELSEA: Ugh! I'm beat.

(Jeff rolls his eyes)

JEFF: Why're you even here?

CHELSEA: Why're YOU awake this early on a Saturday? (ignoring Jeff's question) And why's it so quiet?

JEFF: Dad's at the office.

CHELSEA: (rolls her eyes) As usual.

JEFF: And Mom's around, (whispers) holding down the fort.


JEFF: Let me borrow your tablet.

CHELSEA: No! Where's yours?

JEFF: Dad's using it. Come on, give it.

(Chelsea pulls out her tablet from her purse and throws it to Jeff)

(Caroline walks into the living room)

CAROLINE: (surprised) Chelsea?


(Chelsea jumps up and runs to her mother. Caroline and Chelsea hug as Jeff continues watching TV)

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