DOCTOR: Do you girls have a ride home?

(girls nod)

JILL: Yeah.

DOCTOR: She's stable. We'll have to monitor her for the night.

VALERIE: Is something wrong?

DOCTOR: How much did your friend drink tonight?

JILL: We don't know. We weren't with her the entire night.

DOCTOR: Did she take anything else?

(Valerie quickly looks at Jill then back at the doctor)

JILL: You mean, like, drugs?

(the doctor remains silent)

(Jill looks at Valerie)

NURSE: Doctor Rodriguez, they need you in room 6.

(the doctor nods and turns to the girls)

DOCTOR: Go home ladies. Unless you feel like getting interrogated by the police all night.

(the doctor walks back to the emergency room)

JILL and VALERIE: (simultaneously) "Luke".

[End Scene]

(Tom is standing in the living room talking on his phone)

TOM: (angrily) It was a sure deal, Arnold! What happened? They can't just break a contract!

(Caroline and Jeff walk into the house)

TOM: I'll have to call you back.

(Tom hangs up)

JEFF: Dad, I'm sorry.

TOM: (angrily) You f***ed up! You said this wouldn't get out of control tonight.

JEFF: Dad-

TOM: (shouts) Shut up!

(Tom's phone rings. He places it on silent)

TOM: You lied! And what's worse, you were dumb enough to get behind the wheel, DRUNK, and get caught!

(Tom's phone rings again. He answers)

TOM: Yeah, David.

(Jeff quickly looks at his mother)

(flashback - pier)

(Jeff sees his mother driving into the lot by the pier)

(flashback ends)

(back to present)

TOM: (pauses) He's not at home? Let me ask him. (to Jeff) Was Max with you tonight?

JEFF: (shakes his head) I don't think he came to the party.

TOM: (to David) Did you try calling him? (pauses) Well, let me know.

(Tom hangs up)


TOM: (waves his hand) He's fine. Probably taking a drive around the neighborhood.

JEFF: I'll try calling him.

(Tom snatches the phone from Jeff's hand)

TOM: (forcefully) Get upstairs!

JEFF: Dad-

(Tom extends his arm out and opens his hand)

TOM: Your car keys!

JEFF: I'm not a kid, Dad!

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